Category "a-scanner-darkly"

Did any character in "A Scanner Darkly" resemble Philip K. Dick himself?

The ends of the book and movie versions of "A Scanner Darkly" list people author Philip K. Dick knew who suffered illnesses due to long-term drug use, and Dick

Was the Connie/Donna transformation part of Arctor's hallucination?

I guess there isn't going to be a 100% proven answer, so I'm more interested in what possibility is most likely. In the answer on A Scanner Darkly's IMDB page t

Who is responsible for sabotaging the car?

In the movie A Scanner Darkly, there is a scene where the accelerator of the car gets jammed. The car fails to slow down. When they check the engine, they note

Why doesn't Barris not care to save Luckman?

In the movie A Scanner Darkly, there is a scene where Luckman is choking on something he ate. Why does Barris initially not give a damn? But in a little while t

What was the point of A Scanner Darkly being animated?

A Scanner Darkly, even though being animated, was given more like a live action look and was actually created by rotoscoping real actors. Why is that? Is there