Category "alien-covenant"

Do Androids' hairs grow?

In the Alien movies, I have never recalled seeing an Android's hair growing longer. But in Alien: Covenant (2017), David was cutting his hair. Does anyone hav

"No birds, no animals, nothing"

In Alien: Covenant (2017), one of the colonists says this sentence while exploring the planet Origae-6: No birds, no animals, nothing I understand from th

Why didn't the Alien Covenant crew notice this?

In Alien: Covenant (2017), the crew approaches a seemingly inhabited planet, and decides to go explore it. Once they are on the planet, David leads them

What does Christopher mean by that dialogue?

In Alien: Covenant, Christopher Oram says: I met the devil when I was a child I didn't remember another scene that might have explained this or given back

What was David doing to Walter?

In Alien: Covenant, there is a scene I couldn't really understand. There is a fight scene between David and Walter, right after they kiss. During this scene, D

What happens inside the crane?

In Alien: Covenant an alien creature is trapped inside a crane during one of the final scenes where the ship tries to fly away from the planet. At some point,

Is there a plot twist in Alien: Covenant?

In Alien: Covenant Walter and David fight during a scene near the end. However, the editing cuts off their fight and we never see how it ends. At the end of the

Name of the Engineer planet in Alien Covenant

Does anyone know the name of the planet (the Engineer Homeworld?) where the crew intercepts the radio signal when on their way to Origae-6? I think I read some

Where did the wheat actually come from?

Not sure if this is addressed in the movie and I missed it, or if it's just a seemingly significant plot-point that's brought up and then ignored, but what was

Why don't the colonists wear spacesuits in Alien: Covenant?

In the beginning of the Alien: Covenant movie, a group of colonists from the main ship make a landing on an unknown planet, which they found out accidentally af

How did Mother recognize David?

In the end of Alien: Covenant (2017), David reports to Mother and she seems to recognize him (she even calls him by his name). How does that happen and David is

How did David know Walter's access codes?

Walter's security code is 31564-F. Here is a picture of him using it in the beginning of the film: At the end of Alien: Covenant, David enters the ship a

Why did David help on-board of the Covenant?

Why did David (in Walter's body) help kill the Xenomorph onboard the Covenant? Couldn't he have it kill the rest of the crew and then trap it in one of the cha

Why did David drop the vases?

At the end of Prometheus, E. Shaw helps David to help her on the mission to ask the Engineers why humans were created. David was in a pretty bad state and neede

How to explain this in Alien and Prometheus considering Alien Covenant plot?

How did another Engineer ship with a chest-burst Engineer and lots of facehugger eggs end up on LV-426 (Alien) when all Engineers are supposed to be dead

Missing Dock Structure in Alien: Covenant

This seems to me like something that may ending being a mystery or something of an "oops" thing. I am not entirely sure which way it goes for now. In Alien: Co

Is Alien: Covenant set on the same planet as Prometheus?

So where did David find all those engineers to kill in Alien: Covenant? Is it the same planet where Elizabeth and David were stranded and then was found in Alie

How to explain this in Alien and Prometheus considering Alien Covenant plot?

How did another Engineer ship with a chest-burst Engineer and lots of facehugger eggs end up on LV-426 (Alien) when all Engineers are supposed to be dead

Why was he wearing such large shoes at the end of Alien: Covenant?

After David stores the two alien embryos and he walks through the corridor with sleeping pods, did anyone else notice his shoes were really large? Is the

How did the acid burnt Man in Alien Covenant die?

This is a different subject than my last dock structure question I asked earlier. However this is a smaller spoiler. In Alien Covenant, when David watched over