Category "army-of-the-dead"

What's the significance of the photo shoot in the opening credits?

During the opening credits of Army of the Dead (2021), a photo shoot of characters is shown: What's the significance of this photo shoot?

Why did Kate have a dead zombie hand keeping the fire egress ajar?

Just before Deiter successfully opens the vault inside the casino, Kate climbs up the ladder, keeps dead zombie hand between the fire egress and the frame: Why

What's the significance of "Shallow Depth of Field" effect?

I have marked the blurry portions in below images: click for larger This effect is used in lot of scenes. What's the significance of "Shallow Depth of Field"

What are those two lights in the sky?

In the opening sequence of the movie Army of the Dead, we see two light dots in the sky that just fly off the screen at an enormous speed as the Four Horsemen c

Why does Peters feel the helicopter is small?

Scott sends Peters to the rooftop, where she finds an abandoned helicopter and prepares it: Peters: What the hell is this? Spend all his money on that f_cking

Where did Geeta go?

I watched Army Of The Dead (2021) last night, and at the end when everyone is on the roof after Kate insisted on rescuing Geeta, Geeta is with the group. In th