Category "avengers-age-of-ultron"

Does Marvel have full filming rights for all characters in Avengers Multiverse?

In upcoming Marvel film Avengers: Age of Ultron, they are using Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, characters which are Mutants (X-Men). So has Fox agreed for the c

Why didn't he get the power of Mjolnir?

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Vision picked up Mjolnir very easily, making him worthy but why didn't he get Thor's power? In the comics, whoever holds Mjo

What is the reason for Hulk's decision at the end of 'Age of Ultron'?

In the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron we get the new roster of Avengers and this is not a new thing, it always happened in comics and cartoons. But it's due to

How did Tony Stark get his new suits?

So from the very beginning of Avengers: Age of Ultron we see Tony Stark flying around as Iron Man, we also see the Iron Legion and an automated repair room for

What happened to Jarvis at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron

Towards the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron JARVIS uploads himself into a lifeless Virbranium android. This process creates Vision. Then before the final battle

What does Steve Rogers mean in this dialogue?

In the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron Steve Rogers said to Bruce Banner I have seen her flirt, upclose It was about Black Widow. What does that mean? Is t

Why was the Hulkbuster program called Veronica?

In Age of Ultron, Iron man called the Hulk Buster program Veronica. Why is it named like this, is it some kind of reference to Archie comics or is it straight

What makes Ultron the person he is?

In Avengers: Age of Ultron Tony Stark and Bruce Banner use what seems to be some kind of artificial intelligence bound in the Infinity Stone from Loki's scepter

Are there any details about the contract that Aaron Taylor-Johnson signed to be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Aaron Taylor-Johnson was cast as Pietro Maximoff, AKA Quicksilver in the sequel to The Avengers/Avengers Assemble, Avengers: Age of Ultron. Most actors/actress

Regarding Age of Ultron's post-credit scene

The movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have established the common procedure to place little scenes after and during the credits sequence, in order to hint

Did Thanos have anything to do with the events of Age of Ultron?

In the Age of Ultron mid-credit scene, Thanos puts on some sort of a glove and says "Fine, I'll do it myself." Which seems to imply his plan to get it done by o

Is Captain America worthy of Mjolnir?

In Age of Ultron, there's a scene where the various team members try and fail to lift Thor's hammer. When Cap tries, he actually manages to budge it very brief

How was Age of Ultron's post-credit scene even possible?

At the end of the Avengers: Age of Ultron there is that end credits scene where Thanos picks up the infinity gauntlet and walks off. Where did he get this? We

Why was this specific character in Age Of Ultron killed off?

After watching Avengers: Age Of Ultron, I was wondering whether the motives behind the death towards the end of the movie had anything to do with the fact that

What were the other A.I. chips and whom are they referring to?

In Age of Ultron, Iron man selected the FRIDAY chip from the rest for the replacement of J.A.R.V.I.S I was clearly able to find out references to Jocasta an

Can Quicksilver push bullets out of the way?

In X-men Days of Future Past, we see Quicksilver running around pushing bullets to change their trajectories. In Avengers Age of Ultron, Quicksiver circles Hawk

What was Thor doing?

During Avengers: Age of Ultron, after Scarlet Witch messed everyone and they ended up at Hawkeye's place, Thor took off to find some answers for what he saw. H

What do we know about Strucker?

In Avengers: Age of Ultron Strucker was a HYDRA agent that was at the facility with Loki's scepter. It seemed that the Avengers knew who he was, but I was at a

How did Ultron come to be in the Sceptre?

Once The Avengers bring back the Sceptre from Strucker's facility, Tony (and JARVIS) start running some diagnostics on it. Eventually, they find some kind of AI

Isn't the Quicksilver from Avengers 2 the same as the Quicksilver from X-Men: Days of Future Past?

According to the X-Men series he is a mutant. But in the Avengers 2 he is depicted as having received his powers through a Hydra experiment. There are talks in