Category "back-to-the-future-part-3"

Why do the DeLorean's effects not always start at 88 mph?

How come, the DeLorean's effects don't always start at 88 mph. For example, in Back to the Future 3 the effects started at 65 mph. Also, when Marty escaped the

Is the Palace Saloon from Back to Future III the same location as the saloon from Django Unchained

Is the saloon "Palace Saloon" of Back to Future III the same saloon as Django and Dr. Schultz having their "illegal" beer as seen here:

Would a DeLorean actually break apart into a million pieces if hit by a freight train?

The scene in Back to the Future III where the freight train destroys the DeLorean seems a bit unrealistic to me. It makes the car look like it was made of wood

What was Verne doing?

I noticed this strange action done by Verne at the ending of Back to the Future III, which appears to be a little indecent. This scene appear in duration 01:50:

Was Miss Beadle the inspiration for Clara Clayton in BttF3?

Watching "Back to the Future III", I realized that Clara Clayton - the schoolteacher that Doc Brown falls head-over-heels for, is a dead-ringer for Miss Beadle,

Where does Doc get all of his money

In the first Back to the Future movie, Doc Brown seems to have a fairly large amount of money. He has his own house, a camper, a Delorean (which was a fairly ex

Why does Marty give the colt peacemaker to Seamus at the end of Back to the Future Part 3?

Everything seems to have some sort of meaning, but the peacemaker just feels random.