Category "banshee"

Genre of Banshee

Does Banshee have a genre? To list some of the more wide and loose: Wikipedia: Action Drama, Crime Thriller IMDb: Action, Crime, Drama Rotten Tomatoes: Drama

What was it that Jobe couldn't put his finger on while watching the camp Genoa feed?

Before the camp Genoa job in Banshee, Job was watching the feed from the camp over and over, exclaiming that all seems same everyday but there is something he c

Real name of protagonist in Banshee?

In Banshee the protagonist takes over the name of the Sheriff Lucas Hood. I just watched the last episode and wondered if his real name was ever revealed? I ad

Why doesn't Hood shoot Chayton?

In Banshee Season 3, episode 5, "Tribal", Chayton and his Redbones stage a siege on the Banshee police station. Near the end of the battle: Lucas enters th