Category "battle-royale"

What is the meaning behind the silent dream scene in Battle Royale?

Sometime after the Battle Royale started, either Kitano or Noriko (not entirely sure) have a dream. They are both walking casually by a river, eating popsicles,

Why are the students not aware of the Battle Royale act?

Battle Royale (2000) opens with the completion of a previous Battle Royale event, where the winner is shown to be a girl. The amount of media coverage shown in

What are the precedents for the game elements of "Squid Game" beyond "Battle Royale"?

Having watched Squid Game, I have the feeling that, while it is very different from Battle Royale, there are a number of elements that the two works have in com

Why is the United States blamed for the events of Battle Royale II?

In Battle Royale II: Requiem (2003), a group of Japanese high school students are given the seemingly impossible task of hunting down a (Japanese) terrorist lea