Category "bill-and-teds-excellent-adventure"

Where did they get all of the gum from?

When the Wyld Stallyons in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure have a breakdown in their time-machine, they just have all of their historical buds chew some gum

Why did they wait until after the report?

In Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure toward the end of the film, the guys are trying to break the "historical figures" out of jail. They decide to steal Te

Was the TARDIS an inspiration for the time-traveling phone booth?

The 1989 film Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure features a pair of dim-witted teenagers traveling through time to retrieve historical figures to make an oral p

Which King Henry were Bill and Ted referring to?

In Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Bill and Ted land in what we are told is "Medieval England." Bill mentions that they are at the castle of King Henry an

Why did Rufus go back in time to help Wyld Stallyns?

At the beginning of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Rufus explains the Utopian life that Earth now enjoys and that it's all thanks to inspiration from the m