Category "broadchurch"

Was Claire and Lee checking out the house a flashback?

In Broadchurch Season 2 Episode 6, towards the end, we see Lee and Claire check out a house. I imagine this is the house next to the Gillespies? So is this a fl

Why does Ellie Miller step on the slug?

In the final episode of the first series of Broadchurch, we learn that Joe Miller is the killer of Danny Lattimer. After finding out this information, DS

What is Lee Ashworth's goal in Broadchurch S2 E2-4?

The first half of series 2 of Broadchurch has a major subplot involving a witness and a suspect from DI Hardy's previous murder investigation in Sandbrook: Clai

Is it difficult to obtain pornography in the UK?

This is in reference to Broadchurch (series 3). Ellie's son is suspended from school because he has been caught with pornography on his phone, and he has been s