Category "brokeback-mountain"

What happened to Jack Twist at the end of Brokeback Mountain?

At the end of Brokeback Mountain Ennis calls Jack Twist's wife and she tells Ennis that Jack died in some freak tire change accident. They flash to a scene

Goats in Brokeback Mountain

I have heard the reason the movie brokeback mountain take place at Big Horn Mountains is because of the Goats that lives on the mountain actually are homosexual

Was Jack in love with someone else right before his death?

At the end of Brokeback Mountain Ennis visits Jack's parents after he learns of Jack's death. Jack's father tells Ennis about Jack's plans that he had before h

What was the significance of the tire iron?

In Brokeback Mountain, there are references made to a tire iron that coincides with hate crimes. Ennis explains to Jack about an incident involving a tire iron

What is the significance of the ending line of Brokeback Mountain?

The last words in Ang Lee's movie Brokeback Mountain (2005) are: Jack, I swear... said by the protagonist, Ennis del Mar. What is he going to swear?