Category "dr.-strangelove"

Was Dr. Strangelove originally intended to be serious?

The legendary Kubrick comedy Dr. Strangelove is based on the book Red Alert which is in no way comedic. At the time of release, not long after the Cuban Missile

What does 'Hi there! / Dear John' mean?

Towards the end of Dr Strangelove, we see the two H-bombs aboard the plane, with these messages written: What do these messages mean?

In Dr. Strangelove, what is the device Soviet Ambassador Sadesky uses near the end of the film?

As shown here. (O.O2) Does that device (which looks like a simple pocket watch) play any part of the "Doomsday device"? I've w

Meaning behind "Our source was The New York Times"

In Dr. Strangelove a conversation happens between Russian Ambassador de Sadesky and U.S. President Muffley regarding the soviet doomsday machine: Ambassador de

Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove: Who are Elmo and Charlie?

In one of the opening scenes of Dr. Strangelove general Turgidson says to colonel Puntridge on the phone: You better give Elmo and Charlie a blast, and bump