Category "elle"

What are the controversies around the movie Elle?

I watched Elle (2016) last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Before watching the movie I read in many places that it's a highly controversial movie. But after

Character foreknowledge in the climax of Paul Verhoeven's Elle

(NOTE: this question reveals both the plot-details of the film's ending and the film's major twist.) In the climax of Paul Verhoeven's Elle (2016), all the cha

Why did Michèle damage Richard's car?

Fairly early in the movie (around 18:00), Michèle (main character) drives her car to the restaurant where she's meeting others for dinner. She deliberate

Why did Patrick rape Michèle?

This was never fully explained in the movie. Why did Patrick rape Michèle? Was this action of Patrick in any way connected to the crimes of Michè