Category "enemy"

Is there significance behind the spider visions in Enemy?

There are a lot of weird visions about spiders in Enemy (2013) and I was wondering if that signified something about the character?

Consistent explanation of Enemy

I'm looking for an interpretation or explanation of the events in Enemy (2013) that takes into account all of the following: The poster which indicates that

Did Helen know the truth at the end of Enemy?

I got the impression that Helen knew that it was really Adam at the end and not Anthony based on her asking him how school was and later telling him she wanted

Is there a coincidence between actor Jake not visiting the agency in 6 months and his wife being 6 months pregnant?

In Enemy, when teacher Jake goes to agency the security guy says he (thinking he is the actor Jake) hasn't set foot in agency in 6 months. Then, wife of the Ac

Is there significance behind the spider visions in Enemy?

There are a lot of weird visions about spiders in Enemy (2013) and I was wondering if that signified something about the character?

Is there significance behind the spider visions in Enemy?

There are a lot of weird visions about spiders in Enemy (2013) and I was wondering if that signified something about the character?

Trying to understand this conversation between Adam Bell and the pregnant wife

I saw the movie Enemy (2013) a while back and trying to decipher the plot which is quite complex even after seeing it twice. I know for a fact that only the Hi

Did Helen not bother finding out what Anthony does for a living?

In the movie Enemy, Helen doesn't seem to know what Anthony does for a living. One day she gets information about a person Adam (who claims to look like Anthon