Category "it"

If they all forget about each other

At the end of the IT miniseries if The Losers' Club all begin to forget everything that happened, once again, including each other, does that mean that Bev and

Is Pennywise the clown imaginary?

Is Pennywise the clown imaginary? The reason, I ask is in the movie a young boy named Georgie hits his head before his paper boat goes down into the sewers and

How was Pennywise's appearance in the novels when compared to film and miniseries?

I have seen a big debate over the appearance of Pennywise in upcoming It (2017 film) and IT (miniseries), as to which one is more scary. And I do find them dras

What is the significance of making Eddie a hopeless virgin?

1990's It (TV Mini-Series) is based on the Stephen King novel of the same name. While going through our sister site's questions and the novel's Wikipedia page,

What is the significance of "Beep Beep Richie!"?

In It (miniseries), Pennywise used the Beep Beep dialogue first for Richie: Pennywise: BEEP BEEP Richie! They ALL float down here. When you're down here wit

Why did It not do this to The Losers?

Pennywise, or "It", spent a lot of time trying to scare the 7 kids Scooby-Doo style, but why did It not just kill them? I know that It is supposed to be feedin

What is Pennywise's intentions and motivations?

In the 1990 miniseries version of IT, we see IT, aka Pennywise, terrorizing and killing a bunch of kids, those of whom survive growing up into adults. My quest

Is there a connection between IT and Ghostbusters?

Is there a connection between the monster from IT and Gozer the Gozerian from Ghostbusters (1984)? Both are inter-dimensional, shape-shifting monsters who take