Category "laurel-and-hardy"

Hebrew newspaper in Laurel & Hardy's Blotto?

In the Laurel & Hardy movie (or episode, if you will) Blotto (1930), in the first scene, Stan is reading a hebrew newspaper. So I was wondering, why a he

Why can Stan Laurel use his thumb as a lighter in Way Out West?

Why can Stan Laurel use his thumb as a lighter in Way Out West? I know it's slapstick comedy but it just seems a bit random.

How does Stan Laurel do this thing, in the movie Blotto?

In the movie Blotto (1930), how does Stan Laurel do this thing with his ears? Here is the clip (the ear movement is around 13:45):

What was the 'Elephant movie'?

In the Stan & Ollie biographical movie, there is a temporary separation in their partnership during which Oliver Hardy appears in a movie with a different p

Is Nobby Cook a real person?

I just finished watching Stan & Ollie (2018), the biofilm starring Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly as Laurel and Hardy. In the film, Laurel and Hardy are on