Category "millennium-trilogy"

What is the unique selling point in the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Official Teaser?

The teaser on YouTube as well as on Apple Trailers shows many short scenes quickly. It especially repeats a drive along a long snow covered road towards a white

Why did Mikael Blomkvist not have any moral concerns about hiding the identities of two serial killers?

The American version (as well as the book) makes a huge fuss about Mikael Blomkvist not being able to publish the story of his findings that Gottfried and Marti

Why was the Millennium trilogy remade in English so soon after the Swedish original?

The movies based on the novels of Stieg Larsson were produced in 2009 in Sweden, e.g. "Män som hatar kvinnor" by Niels Arden Oplev. It was published in man

Lisbeth and the title

In The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Lisbeth plays an important lead role. But why is she so important to the story that the movie is named after her? Even Mikael

Origin of the "Millennium" tv-series

I've already checked out about my question, but didn't get a clear answer and even got more confused about it. I'm wondering whether the "Millennium" t