Category "mulholland-drive"

What is going on in Mulholland Drive?

I know that David Lynch's movies are all very deep and hard to grasp and that probably there is no simple answer to this question, as there are different ways t

Where did the box go?

At the end of the first part in Mulholland Drive, after Betty and Rita go inside the box, it drops on the floor and stays there for apparently a long time. The

Assassination scene in Mulholland Drive

In Mulholland Drive Diane (Naomi Watts) asks a man (Mark Pellegrino) to kill Camilla (Laura Elena Harring) at a diner. This man is earlier shown killing some o

What is David Lynch's obsession with stages, red curtains, and female singers?

Just finished Mulholland Drive again, and I noticed once again there is a woman on a stage singing in front of a red curtain, as well as the casting scenes invo

Does Mulholland Drive have a coherent storyline? [duplicate]

The Wikipedia article of the above mentioned movie has a few possible explanations for coherently explaining some of the events happening in t

Why did the real Camilla kiss the "dream" version of Camilla?

Towards the end of the film Mulholland Drive, we see that Diane (Naomi Watts' character) gets invited to a party by the real Camilla. The party is organised by

Understanding the Cowboy's threat in Mulholland Drive

In mulholland Drive, when the Cowboy asks Adam to cast Camilla Rhodes for the lead role in his movie, He says that Adam will see him one more time if he does go