Category "nobody"

Why did Hutch take the painting?

In the movie, Nobody, Hutch burns the Russian mafia hideout and takes one painting with him. He carries the painting through several dangerous situations and gu

What does this tattoo mean in Nobody?

In the movie, Nobody, Hutch is about to get into a fight in a tattoo shop when asking questions about two home-invaders who allegedly stole his daughter's brace

Does Becca Mansell know about Hutch's history?

In one of the early scenes in Nobody, Becca Mansell, Hutch's wife, is seen tending his wounds from the fight on the bus using something like superglue to close

Why does the hacker fear Hutch after seeing his file?

In Nobody, Yulian asked a hacker to find out about Hutch Mansell but the moment the hacker saw Hutch's file she quit working for Yulian without pay. Why?

How did a vinyl record start a fire?

I didn't understand this scene from Nobody (2021), in which Hutch sets his house on fire to destroy any evidence: How was he able to do this using a vinyl reco

What's the significance of repeating this scene in Nobody (2021)?

This below scene repeated so many times at the beginning of the movie: What's the significance of repeating this scene in Nobody (2021)?