Category "office-space"

What kind of company is Initech?

What kind of company is Initech in the movie Office Space? There are a few important things we know about Initech that the movie plot hinged on. Are there any

Are the fictitious names “Initech” and “Initrode” a play on words?

In the comedy Office Space, the protagonist works for a company called "Initech". At the end of the film, his co-workers take jobs at a competing company called

How historically accurate is the film "Office Space"?

The film "Office Space" is a comedy about several men in their early 20s who work as software developers for a company called "IniTech". As the film progresses

What is Milton Waddams' profession?

Is it ever stated what Milton Waddams' job is, in Office Space (1999)? All I can remember is his love of his stapler and that he was eventually relocated to th

Did the Bobs want to fire Lumbergh in Office Space?

Wasn't Lumbergh the Vice President in Office Space? Then how did the Bobs want to fire him? How much power did those consultants have?

What are TPS Reports?

In the 1999 film Office Space, there is an ongoing joke about Peter Gibbons not putting cover sheets on his TPS Reports, and multiple people reminding him or sh

Why didn't Peter continue to receive money after he made the first withdrawal?

In the movie Office Space, the main character and his colleagues modify a bank mainframe to skim money off transactions into an account they own. After things g

What programming language is used in Office Space (1999)? [closed]

I want to know what programming language do the programmers working at Initech use, as shown in this picture. It reminds me of Basic and Batc