Category "origin"

Origin of "knife to a gunfight" quote

I hope this question isn't too tirivial, but in The Punisher Harry Heck says to Frank You are one dumb son of a bitch. Bringing a knife to a gunfight. rig

What is the origin of Harem Anime?

Harem Anime is comprised of the following concepts: akward, underconfident or extremely hard headed boy lots of girls that want him, but never quite get him act

What's the origin of the quote "You da man, Harry. You da man."?

I'm sure it's from a film, and I'm fairly sure it's sort-of said under the breath, in a respectful manner - for example as though the subject, Harry is out of e

Is this quote originally from The Dark Knight?

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Now I'm fairly certain I've been saying that line for at least ten years, do

Does Kanima's mythology match any historical stories/works or is it only written for Teen Wolf?

In Teen Wolf Season 2, a new creature called a Kanima appears, which is a part of the major plot line. My question is, is this Kanima creature all made up for t

What are the origins of the name 'Malekith'?

In Thor - the Dark World Malekith is the leader of the Dark Elves. The film obviously derives from the Marvel universe. I also play a lot of tabletop wargames

The three note danger idiom

There is a three note idiom that has appeared in SEVERAL theatrical releases (comedies) recently that indicates danger. I do not know the notes, but it goes "d

Who really is "the meanest motherfucker in the valley"?

In Renny Harlin's 1999 Deep Blue Sea LL Cool J gives a great badass interpretation of the classic 23rd Psalm of the old testament: Yeah, though I walk throu

The origin of the loss of the Fourth Wall?

"The Fourth Wall", for the uninitiated, is the wall that separates the movie from the audience, allowing the audience to be spectators to the events depicted.

Origin of the phrase "You're either very brave, or very stupid"

You're either very brave, or very stupid It's a common as dirt line from basically every action or drama movie ever, some examples from the top of my head

What's the origin of "Choose life" phrase?

The question can sound banal because everyone would say "Trainspotting", but I am just watching a late-soviet movie from 1987 called "Burglar" and I noticed a m

Where does the "One of us! One of us!" chant originate?

I've seen the chant "One of us! One of us!" parodied in both South Park and Big Bang Theory. Where does it come from? Is "Gibble Gobble Gibble Gobble" (added

Are Star-Lord's final words a reference to something else?

After watching Guardians of the Galaxy and Peter Quill's final words: What should we do next? Something good? Something bad? A bit of both? a friend of mi

Supernatural Episode inspiration for Once Upon a Time

Is the episode Bedtime Stories from Supernatural the inspiration for the plot structure of the series Once Upon a Time?

Where did the "dream effect" originate?

When a TV or movie character begins to dream (or daydream), there is a common set of effects used to communicate that to the audience: Whitened screen or edges

See you on the other side

The sentence "See you on the other side." is often used in movies and series, for example Lost, Jason Bourne movies and many others. Is this a reference to an

Why do criminals whistle after doing something?

There's an old tradition in cartoons and comedies: criminals (mostly thieves) and bullies often whistle some tunes after doing something bad or when they are li

Why is Los Angeles targeted for destruction so often in Hollywood movies?

One of my favourite types of films are ones where some form of cataclysm occurs (morbid I know). But one thing I have noticed in many films is the destruction o

From which movies does the stereotypical b/w film noir voice-over introduction originate?

When doing stereotypical film noir style stories they always have the hard boiled black and white detective narrating to himself with smooth jazz playing while

About the phrase Balian has in his workshop

There is a quote in Kingdom of Heaven, when Balian explains to Liam Neeson's character the meaning of a phrase he has carved in wood in his workshop. He says t