Category "preacher"

How did Preacher get away with an exploding Tom Cruise?

In the pilot of the TV show Preacher, the space entity tries to find a host and targets a religious figure. And then we see a news title showing "TOM CRUISE EXP

How did Odin Quincannon's actions serve God?

In the TV show Preacher, Jesse Custer ordered Odin Quincannon to "Serve God". And it looks like he will, but then in a meeting with green agriculture representa

What was the significance of Red Indian and the Mascot's appearances?

In the Preacher Season 1 Finale, there were constant appearances of a guy dressed as a Red Indian and a teddy bear mascot. First the Red Indian guy was a cell m

Why did Emily trap the Mayor?

In Preacher S01E09, Emily got the responsibility of feeding Cassidy in constant intervals and Tulip left enough animals to feed him. But after witnessing Cass

What type of gun is the Saint of Killers rocking on The Preacher?

What I'm trying to figure out roughly is the mass of his bullets, and if there's an element with a sufficient atomic weight--they seem to travel at about 70 met

What did Denis say in French during season 2 episodes 3 & 4 of Preacher?

In Preacher, Denis speaks French twice in season 2 episodes 3 and 4, I feel like maybe if I knew what he was saying I might gain some insight into his character

Is there any other historical character in hell other than this character in Preacher?

In Preacher S02E03, due to the repeated breaking down of equipment, Eugene can leave his cell and encounters Hitler in the hallway. In the next episode he also

Why did Herr Starr do this to his date? What was he about to do?

We see Herr Starr is on a date in Preacher season 2. His date, Sophie (Teri Wyble), is regaling him with a story of how she found meaning in her life. Starr is

Is what happened to the town not that big of a deal?

My wife watches Preacher, but I don't, other than watching the occasional scene while it's on, so forgive me if the answer to this question is obvious for any r

What is transpoil?

I just finished Preacher season 3 and right in the first episode (Angelville) Madame L'Angell request the Preacher something called "transpoil". I tried googli

How could Jesse do this?

Over the four seasons of Preacher, we are given a pretty good idea of how Genesis works and what it can and cannot do: Genesis is not a genie and cannot just b

Why did Genesis work in this case?

In Preacher s02e06, Jesse parts with 1% of his soul. Right after the loss, in the same episode, he successfully uses Genesis to give orders to the Saint

What's the significance of the trucks in these scenes?

In the episode Bleak City from Preacher (Season 4 episode 5) there are 2 scenes that caught my eye: When Jesse is driving out of the parking lot a truck comes

What happens when two bullets strike each other?

In Preacher S04E01 during the fight between Lara and Tulip, they shot each other and their bullet strike each other and fall down. Is this depiction realisti

Why the apocalypse must be human made?

In the Preacher series, God and The Grail organisation are working on bringing the apocalypse. But even while God keeps saying that "he could do it at any time