Category "seven-psychopaths"

Did Billy really play Myra in Hans's vision?

In the movie Seven Psychopaths in the night Hans is high on peyote he has a vision of his late wife Myra telling him that there is no heaven and that she's just

How does Charlie deduce Myra is Mrs Kieslowski?

In Seven Psychopaths Charlie (Woody Harrelson) comes to the hospital to find Mrs Kieslowski. He finds a patient- who we know is Myra Kieslowski- but wrongly ass

What does Billy show Marty that makes him leave?

Towards the final scene of Seven Psychopaths, Billy is holding Bonny with the flare gun to its head. Marty initially refuses to go away. When he approaches Bill

Do newspaper/magazines publish this type of ad?

In Seven Psychopaths (2012), a magazines (maybe a newspaper) publishes an audition for Seven Psychopaths in a classified section. Do newspapers/magazines pub