Category "supernatural"

Is there an underlying story arc in Supernatural?

I have watched a few Supernatural episodes and I understood that there should be a background story (in the beginning the search for the father and somebody tol

Is there any credibility to the "details" in Supernatural?

I have watched 6 seasons of Supernatural, and in almost every one of them, Sam and Dean talks about many different kinds of monsters- with different names, kill

Actors acting the real actors inside a movie?

In the TV show Supernatural, Season 6, Episode 15, Sam and Dean find themselves pushed into an "alternate reality" where they are two actors acting in a TV show

Why do these specific Supernatural episodes have previews?

I'm currently working my way through the tv series Supernatural (currently on early season 5, watching via Netflix Streaming). One thing that strikes me as odd

Did Crowley welch on his contract?

Towards the end of season 7, Crowley enters into a contract with Dick Roman (the leviathan) to share parts of the U.S./Canada with Crowley. It seems that helpi

Preventing Demons from leaving their vessels?

In the television series, Supernatural, thorough out the various seasons of the series on various occasions we see that Sam and Dean capture various Demons, try

Was John Winchester not a righteous man?

In the television series, Supernatural S04E16, It is said that the first seal is broken when a rightious man serves in the hell. And so, Dean has broken the sea

Sense of the "Vessel has to say 'yes'" system?

In the television series, Supernatural Season 5, throughout the series we see that Michael and a few angels torture Sam and Dean to say "yes" to give their bodi

When does Sam lose his psychic powers?

In the television series Supernatural, at what point of time and during which season did Sam lose his powers? EDIT: I mean to ask whether it was around the tim

Why were sam and lilith going to have sex?

In the television series, Supernatural, S04E18, Why were Sam and Lilith going to have sex at the first place at all? If Sam was going to have a contract with L

Sense and purpose of anti-demon possesion symbol?

In the television series, Supernatural, throughout the series it is shown that Sam and Dean have a symbol at their chest to protect themselves from possession b

Where do angels go upon death?

In the television series Supernatural it is said that upon death, demons go back to hell and vampires and other creatures go to purgatory. Where do angels go wh

Where is Lucifer in Supernatural Season 8?

I am a very big fan of Supernatural. I have watched all seasons of it, but I am confused as to what happened to Lucifer. The last time we see his is with Sam

Why was John Winchester avoiding Sam and Dean?

A large part of the plot of the 1st series of Supernatural is based around Sam and Dean trying to track down John. Why does John avoid them for so long and why

What was the Yellow-Eyed Demon's Plan?

In Supernatural the "Yellow-Eyed Demon" Azazel made deals to create a group of psychic children. Through a chain of events this leads to Sam, Lucifer and the cl

What role does God (the character) play post season five?

AFAIK the original story arc ended in season five, before they started writing new material. All I remember is that there was some sort of conspiracy going on w

Where do Sam & Dean get money from?

I was watching Supernatural yesterday, and Dean bribed a motel clerk to get some info about vampires. Then it hit me, where do they get money? I am aware that

Why did Sam describe Garth as Ichabod Crane looking?

In Supernatural S09E12 (Sharp teeth) Sam was describing Garth Fitzgerald to the nurse in the hospital saying "He’s a skinny, Ichabod Crane-looking kind of

Is Chuck Shurley in Season 5 God?

At the end of Season 5 of Supernatural Chuck the prophet disappears. Is he God? If yes, why didn't Dean's locket glow? If not, what happened to him? Did he die?

How can Michael use the body of Adam as a vessel when he was cremated in S04E19?

In Supernatural season 04 episode 19 Jump the shark the body of Adam Winchester was cremated by Dean and Sam at the end. But in the final of season 05 Swan song