Category "terminator-2-judgment-day"

Was Edward Furlong allowed to watch "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" when it was released?

Edward Furlong was 14 years old when Terminator 2: Judgement Day was released in 1991. And it is R-Rated. Was Edward allowed to watch this movie with a bunch

Is the "Pin number cracking" scene in Terminator 2 a plot hole?

When the Terminator, the teen John Connor, Sarah Connor and Miles Dyson go to the Cyberdyne Systems Corporation building in order to destroy any data that could

Why wasn't Miles Dyson disarmed?

In Terminator 2, they break into Miles Dyson's workplace (can't remember the name of it) and begin to plant explosives in order to destroy all the work he had b

Did Miles Dyson kill all these policemen?

I stumbled upon this recent question about Terminator 2, in particular about the scene where Miles Dyson dies after having been wounded lethally and trying to b

Did the marketing of Terminator 2 actually spoil the movie?

I recently read this article which points out the build-up James Cameron did intentionally to mislead who the assassin robot was in Terminator 2: Judgement Day

How come the events of Terminator didn't change the future, but the events of Terminator 2 did?

The 1984 events in the original Terminator don't change the future - rather, the events are consistent with a single "version" of 2029, the 2029 seen in the fil

From which year do T-101 and T-1000 come from?

In the movie Terminator 2, is there any mention of which year the two machines T-101 and T-1000 come from? The first movie specifies 2029. Does this movie speci

From which years are the Terminators sent back?

From which years in the future are the terminators in Terminator 1, 2 and 3 sent back?

Other than Arnold Schwarzenegger, was anyone from T1 and T2 involved in making Genisys?

In my opinion Terminator: Genysis was much closer to the likes of Transformers than either T1 or T2, so I was wondering if anyone other than Arnold schwarzenegg

Why does T-1000 try to force Sarah Connor to call her son?

In the movie Terminator 2, in the scene in the steel mill, the T-1000 machine tortures Sarah Connor to make her call her son John. Watching the movie we learn t

Is the catchphrase "Hasta la vista, baby" meant to be a nod to "I'll be back"

Honestly, I don't know why I never thought of this until just now and maybe I'm just really blind but I couldn't help but suddenly realize the similarities betw

In T2, was the T-800's arm being left in the steel mill a plot hole?

In Terminator 2: Judgment Day, a key part of the story is that the "original" T-800's arm and CPU as well as the "new" T-800 must be destroyed to keep them from

Terminator 2- What happened to the SWAT officer?

Very minor and nitpicky question here folks, but during the hallway scene when the T800 disables the SWAT officers, I noticed that the officer to the far left i

Why did the T-1000 die in the molten steel?

Why did the T-1000 die in the molten steel in Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)? The T-1000 is very powerful and has the ability to rejoin his body parts, but

Why wasn’t Robert Patrick the actor for the human cop who encounters the T-1000 initially?

The T-1000 mimics anybody, so why didn’t the director use Robert Patrick for the cop who initially encounters the electrical disturbance? I understand

Does the T-1000 know that the "big guy on a bike" is a T-800 before he meets him?

In the movie Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), after the terminators had arrived from the future to 1995, they are both trying to acquire John Connor. The T-

Why does the T-1000 in the Galleria Mall look at the bronze statue like that?

In the fight scene with the T-800 at the Galleria Mall, there is a scene where the T-1000 looks at a bronze-like statue. What does the slight grin on the T-100

Did the UK version of Terminator 2 censor out the lock picking scenes?

In a YouTube revue of Terminator 2, the narrator claims that the UK either tried to or actually did succeed in censoring out the scenes in which Sarah Connor pi

Why the tagline "It's nothing personal" for "Terminator 2"?

One of the taglines for Terminator 2: Judgement Day says "It's nothing personal". What is this referring to? I have watched the extended cut, but there seems t