Category "terminator-series"

Was Edward Furlong allowed to watch "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" when it was released?

Edward Furlong was 14 years old when Terminator 2: Judgement Day was released in 1991. And it is R-Rated. Was Edward allowed to watch this movie with a bunch

Is the "Pin number cracking" scene in Terminator 2 a plot hole?

When the Terminator, the teen John Connor, Sarah Connor and Miles Dyson go to the Cyberdyne Systems Corporation building in order to destroy any data that could

Why does the T-800 Terminator model talk with an accent?

[Source] The out-of-universe explanation is obvious: English is not Arnold Schwarzenegger's first language. But given James Cameron's reputation as a perfecti

Why wasn't Miles Dyson disarmed?

In Terminator 2, they break into Miles Dyson's workplace (can't remember the name of it) and begin to plant explosives in order to destroy all the work he had b

Did Miles Dyson kill all these policemen?

I stumbled upon this recent question about Terminator 2, in particular about the scene where Miles Dyson dies after having been wounded lethally and trying to b

What was Skynet doing with the humans in San Francisco?

In Terminator Salvation, we see Skynet capturing humans and herding them in its main facility in San Francisco. What was the purpose of this exercise? Was it tr

How did Skynet know about Kyle Reese?

In Terminator Salvation, Skynet casts Kyle Reese and John Connor as its two most wanted humans. How did it know about Kyle Reese's existence? John Connor's stor

Why "Terminator Salvation" and not "Terminator: Salvation"?

After the success of The Terminator, most of the titles of the franchise have followed the "Terminator: subtitle" template. Examples include: Terminator 2: Jud

How was Kyle Reese sent by John Connor?

How was Kyle Reese sent by John Connor from the future in The Terminator when in fact Kyle Reese died even before John Connor was born?

Did the marketing of Terminator 2 actually spoil the movie?

I recently read this article which points out the build-up James Cameron did intentionally to mislead who the assassin robot was in Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Terminator Haircut Change

Is there a reason why Terminator haircut changes after he crashes into the wall? Is there a deleted scene by any chance that was cut out as one can see that hai

Who was Derek Reese going to kill?

In S02E09 of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Complications, Jesse has captured a man she believes to be Charles Fischer (a notorious Skynet collaborato

How come the events of Terminator didn't change the future, but the events of Terminator 2 did?

The 1984 events in the original Terminator don't change the future - rather, the events are consistent with a single "version" of 2029, the 2029 seen in the fil

Why does the terminator leave the scene of the car crash?

After the police car chase scene, the terminator crashes into a wall and Sarah and Kyle are surrounded by police. The terminator has apparently fled the scene.

Who sends Pops back in time in Terminator Genisys?

In the movie Terminator Genisys, who sends Pops (Arnold) back in time to protect Sarah Connor? Was there any mention of this in the film?

Where do the T-1000 machines come from in Terminator Genisys

In the movie Terminator Genisys, when Kyle reaches 1984, there is a T-1000 that attacks him. T-1000 has been waiting for John's arrival, this only means that Ju

How does Skynet get created in Terminator Genisys?

In the movie Terminator Genisys, they show that the series of events from the first terminator never happens. This is an alternate timeline. They also destroy s

From which year do T-101 and T-1000 come from?

In the movie Terminator 2, is there any mention of which year the two machines T-101 and T-1000 come from? The first movie specifies 2029. Does this movie speci

What is this vehicle during the filming of the bus flip in Terminator Genisys

In this "behind the scenes" footage, which shows how the bus flip was done, at 0:52 there is a strange vehicle that comes up alongside the bus: What is this?

The T-1000 doesn't have flesh, so how can it time-travel?

In Terminator: Genisys, it's explained that any exposed metal can't travel through time. Only metal that's covered in living tissue (like a terminator) or a ful