Category "the-battle-of-the-five-armies"

Why not use the wyrms to win?

When the Battle of the Five Armies begins, and Dáin arrives with an army of dwarfs to do battle, we see Azog has been using giant wyrms, which he refers

Thranduil mentioning Strider (Aragorn) at the end of the third Hobbit movie

At the end of the third Hobbit movie, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies, Thranduil mentions to Legolas that he should go meet a wanderer called Strider. No

What are the five armies in Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies?

The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies Movie tells about battle between five armies. I counted only four. Dwarves Army (Lead by Throrin)Elves army (Lead by

"Song"/Theme played in Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies

What is that theme/song called that Bombur "plays" when sounding the horn of Erebor and/or the humans play in honor of Thorin (after it "all over")?

Why not use the wyrms to win?

When the Battle of the Five Armies begins, and Dáin arrives with an army of dwarfs to do battle, we see Azog has been using giant wyrms, which he refers

What is Sauron saying when Galadriel defeats him at Dol Guldur?

When Galadriel fights Sauron at Dol Guldur in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, she says to him "You have no power here, servant of Morgoth. You are na

How did a mere 13 dwarves turn the tide of the battle?

I'm watching Battle of the Five Armies, and during the mid movie battle, the Scottish Dwarf army is being turned back by the first Orc army. The Dwarf army numb

How did the mountain goats appear in the Battle of the Five Armies?

During the last battle in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies there is a scene where about 4 mountain goats appear, ridden by Thorin, Dwalin, Fili and Kil

Does The Battle of Five Armies deliberately quote The Two Towers?

My wife and I are well versed in the dialogue from the Lord of the Rings movies. We are not quite so enthusiastic about The Hobbit movies, but recently we notic

What was Sauron saying in Dol Guldur while Galadriel carries Gandalf before she said she's not alone?

Can anyone help me know the English as well as the speech that Sauron said and used in Dol Guldur while Galadriel carries Gandalf and before she said she's not