Category "the-bfg"

Why does Sophie wear the jacket inside out?

In The BFG, Sophie is given clothes by the friendly giant. One of the items is a red velvet jacket. After she picked it up, she flips it inside-out, and wears

Are helicopters capable of carrying this type of giants?

In The BFG, UK helicopters carry giants and leave them on an island: Are helicopters capable of carrying this type of giants?

How were Sophie's interactions with the BFG filmed?

According to the BFG himself, he's a whoppin' 24 feet tall. For the most part, the actress that plays Sophie does a good job of keeping her eyes "on" him, whe

Why is Runt, the protagonist, smaller than the other giants?

I was just watching the movie and saw that the BFG is smaller than other giants, why is that? (The BFG is the one being held - in one hand - by the big ginger