Category "the-book-of-eli"

Verifying Contents of the Book in "The Book of Eli"?

In the Movie, "The Book of Eli", after getting the book in his hands, why did he (the town's mayor or whatever) not ask Eli for the key on the spot to verify th

How could Eli do all those things?

At the end of The Book of Eli it is revealed that the eponymous bible that Eli used to read (and learn by heart) is actually written in Braille. Yet I'm not sur

Why doesn't Redridge kill Eli at the end of the first shootout?

In The Book of Eli, after Eli (Denzel Washington) has shot most of Carnegie's (Gary Oldman) henchmen and Redridge (Ray Stevenson) has already missed killing h

Why did The Book of Eli have so many pages?

In the final scenes of The Book of Eli (2010), Eli is dictating whole bible to Lombardi. This scene showed Bible to have so many pages, more than you expect a

How did the camera pass through the window (and then back out) in The Book of Eli?

During The Book of Eli (2010) there is an extended gunfight scene where the camera passed through a window, pans around, and then goes back out the window. How