Category "the-counselor"

Why does Malkina go to the church and try to confess?

In the movie The Counselor, Malkina shows up to a Catholic church and tries to get the priest to let her confess her sins. She taunts him. We understand from th

Was the suspicion that fell on The Counselor really a coincidence?

When the drug cartel's motorbike courier is killed (and a big drug delivery subsequently stolen), the deal in which The Counselor is involved goes terribly wron

How does Reiner's girlfriend Malkina profit from the hijacking in The Counselor?

I am really confused about this, that how does she profit from the hijack? I am confused because maybe I don't understand when she hijacks the delivery. There a

What is a cautionary diamond?

In the movie The Counselor, the counselor is told by a diamond trader This diamond is a cautionary stone. I did a bit search online, could not find any in