Category "the-grand-budapest-hotel"

How did Gustave and Zero know that Agatha was in danger?

In Grand Budapest Hotel, when Gustave, Zero and Agatha return to the hotel to retrieve the painting the hotel has been occupied by the Zig Zag division. Only Ag

In Grand Budapest Hotel, an explanation regarding Gustave

Tried to keep the title spoiler free. Spoilers follow: In The Grand Budapest Hotel, Gustave is wanted for murder. At the end we see that the second will is pro

In what way did Dmitri intend to insult M Gustave at the funeral?

At Madame D.'s funeral in The Grand Budapest Hotel, when Dmitri called M. Gustave a "fucking" faggot, does he mean that he's a gay person or a loser? Because in

How does M. Gustave's poem relate to the "Boy with Apple"?

At around the 29th minute of The Grand Budapest Hotel Gustave and Zero have the following conversation about "Boy with Apple": Gustave: That picture, Boy w

Significance of small wine glass

In the movie The Grand Budapest Hotel, why is wine served in very small glass first to Mustafa?

Why does the guard not check the pastries?

In The Grand Budapest Hotel, Zero and Agatha smuggle tools into the prison by hiding them in pastries. Then there's a scene where a guard cuts up incoming packa

Why do the guards in The Grand Budapest Hotel shoot at each other?

When the bad guy (I don't remember his name) shoots at Gustave and Zero, the soldiers having rooms on Gustave's side come out and shoot at the bad guy which is