Category "the-last-crusade"

How to describe Elsa Schneider in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

Elsa is a very detailed character for the role she plays. She is secretly a Nazi Is constantly around Indiana Gets violent with Indiana but kisses him When

Where did the clues come from?

In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, when Indy is going through the cave to get to the grail, he goes through several different obstacles. Either my memory i

In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, why do the students want his attention?

Early on in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indy is seen leaving his class at Barnett College to go to his office. When he gets there, his outer office is f

Why does Indiana Jones not fall when he grabs the wrong letters in The Last Crusade?

In Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, when Indiana Jones steps on the letters to spell out the God's name and he accidentally steps on J, which was the wrong l

Last Crusade motorcycle [closed]

In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, what motorcycle did he drive around with his father (Sean Connery) in the sidecar? Was that model of m

Was there any need for Indiana Jones' actions concerning the grail?

Thanks to a slightly related comment elsewhere I was recently reminded of the third (and final) Indiana Jones movie. At the end of the movie it turns out that w

Whose arm is shown stopping the blade trap in The Last Crusade?

When Indy kneels and rolls forward to avoid the blade trap, there is a very quick shot an instant later of a forearm putting a piece of rope around a gear and s

How did Elsa ransack the rooms and provide a credible story in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

Indy says at the castle, "... (Elsa) Ransacked her own room and I fell for it." From this we're supposed to accept that Elsa ransacked the rooms (includi

Was Michael Moore a second unit director on "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"?

I notice that the name of one of the second unit directors on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is "Michael Moore". Is this the same Michael Moore who became t

What are Elsa's reasons for selecting the Holy Grail on behalf of Donovan?

At then end of "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", Donovan agrees to let Elsa choose which cup might be the true Holy Grail. As we find out, she (and by exten

What happened to the Grail Knight?

In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, we see the Knight wave goodbye to group as the cave itself is collapsing, but the structure is still standing in the end.