Category "the-man-with-the-golden-gun"

In "The Man with the Golden Gun" why does Hip drive off without James Bond?

There's a scene in The Man with The Golden Gun where Bond, Hip and Hip's two nieces are fleeing from a karate school. The four of them reach Hip's car. Hip an

Why did Nick Nack switch sides?

In the James Bond movie The Man with the Golden Gun, the bad guy Scaramanga has a dwarf manservant/accomplice named Nick Nack, played by Hervé Villechaiz

Is the title of The Man With the Golden Gun deliberately deceptive, or is something missing from the adaptation?

In 'Goldfinger' Auric Goldfinger is last seen shooting at James Bond with a golden pistol. However, the villain in the later film, 'The Man With the Golden Gun'