Category "thor"

How much of Thor is based on actual mythology?

Not having read the comics at all and not being a huge mythology buff, I have only the general knowledge of some Norse mythology and Thor's (comic/movie version

How did Loki survive at the end of Thor?

At the end of Thor, we see Thor holding onto Odin and Loki holding onto Thor. Loki lets go and falls into the wormhole. We know he survived because he's the ma

How is the Tesseract still in Odin's trophy room during Thor?

The Tesseract ends up on earth because it was lost during the battle between Odin and the Frost Giants. During Thor we see Thor talking (as a child) about how

Why did Agent Coulson hand Thor over to Selvig?

In Thor, after Thor's failed attempt to retrieve Mjollnir from the S.H.I.E.L.D. compound, he gets taken into custody. A little while later, Erik Selvig shows u

Why does Loki look like an Asgardian?

Given Loki is an orphan from Jotunheim not a child of Asgard why would he look like his adopted family? The Frost Giants are not portrayed as looking human, do

What is the meaning of the cameo of the Infinity Gauntlet in Thor?

In Thor (2011) we see a cameo appearance of the Infinity Gauntlet. But after watching Thor: The Dark World, it is made clear that Tesseract and Aether are the i

What age was Ted Allpress when he played in Thor? [closed]

What was the age of the actor that played the young version of Loki in the first Thor movie? I'm just trying to figure about what age young Th

How did Loki survive at the end of Thor?

At the end of Thor, we see Thor holding onto Odin and Loki holding onto Thor. Loki lets go and falls into the wormhole. We know he survived because he's the ma

Do the Nine Realms correspond to Nine Planets?

As described in Thor and Thor II, do the Nine Realms of Norse Mythology as shown in the movie (comics) correspond to Nine Planets? I'm looking for MCU answers

How did Thor return to Earth in The Avengers?

In Thor, it's stated that the Bifrost Bridge is how Asgardians travel between the worlds. When Thor destroys the Bridge at the end of his first film, Loki and T

Why is Frigga (queen of Asgard) not taken to healing room?

In the first part of Thor, when Volstagg returns injured from Jotunheim, Odin, the king of Asgard orders to send him to healing room. Which portrays that Asgard

How old are Thor, Loki, Odin (and Asgardians) in Earth years in Marvel movies?

In MCU movies, Thor, Loki and Odin are not really Gods if I am right, they are more like alien race with super powers. Comparing to people on earth, how old a

Who is Erik Selvig referring to?

Who are the two persons Erik Selvig is referring to in Thor (2011) in the scene where he is talking to Jane foster after SHIELD took their research.

Why didn't a design appear under Thor & Loki when teleported?

Whenever Thor goes from place to place magically a strange design appears in the ground under him. But in The Avengers, Thor & Loki went to Asgard. But no d

How could Thor become a part of Earth's mythology despite he didn't come to Earth before?

In the first Thor movie Odin explains that they rescued the earth from frost giants and then settled in Asgard and stopped venturing in other realms. At the tim

Why does Fury blame Thor?

In The Avengers Fury explains that the reason why S.H.I.E.L.D was making weapons with the Tesseract was because of Thor's fight with The Destroyer and the sudde

How does Loki do this?

In the post credit scene of Thor (2011), we are shown Loki controlling Selvig as he speaks with Nick Fury about the Tesseract. In Avengers (2012), Loki makes i

How does Loki get this?

In the beginning of Avengers (2012) Loki has a sceptre which contains the mind stone. In the end of the previous film (Thor), Loki fakes his death. He doesn't

MCU: Whose blast weapon is more powerful? [closed]

We saw that all three Super Heroes Captain Marvel, Iron Man and Thor Odinson have the same sort of weapons. Same because all three weapons loo

Is Odin inconsistent about the powers of Mjolnir?

In Avengers: Endgame in the final battle with Thanos, Captain America not only was able to wield Mjolnir, but also used its lightning powers. And I remem