Category "thor-ragnarok"

How can Hela hold or break Mjolnir?

We know that Thor's hammer can be held only by those who are worthy of it. In Thor: Ragnarok, we saw Hela break Thor's hammer. But how is Hela worthy of it? She

How was Hulk able to speak fluently in Thor Ragnarok?

We all know and love Hulk for his very limited vocabulary but as seen in the Ragnarok trailer Hulk has clear speech. The debuted Hulk comic [May 1962] courtesy

Thor: Ragnarok's end credits scene

At the end of Thor: Ragnarok there is an end credit scene where the retreating citizens of Asgard are confronted with another vessel in space. Whose ship is i

What happened to Odin in Thor: Ragnarok?

I know this sounds like an obvious question about Thor: Ragnarok and I know Thor says "Odin is dead" but we don't see him get killed, instead just seems to floa

What is the exact relation of Hela to others?

In Thor: Ragnarok, is Hela supposed to be Thor's full sister i.e. Odin's AND Frigga's daughter? Or just Odin's?

Does the eternal flame reanimate only evil people?

In Thor: Ragnarok, we learn that the eternal flame of Asgard could re-animate people then why wouldn't they use it to bring back people close to Thor? Does the

Meaning of Scrapper 142's words to Thor

At some point in Thor: Ragnarok, our favorite Valkyrie tells Thor: Don't die. You know what I mean. Maybe I'm missing something, but why the second part?

What is new Thor's form?

This question contains spoilers. Please return if you don't want it. My question is in regards to Thor's new form. The one where he has lightning all around hi

Does Thor lose certain powers without his hammer?

When Thor loses his hammer, he believes he is no longer as strong as he was because he lost his powers as the God Of Thunder. Odin comes to him in a vision (tw

Why does Thor keep saying this to Banner?

In Thor Ragnarok we have seen a couple of times when Thor keeps telling Banner "the sun is down, the sun is down" to calm him down and stop him from turning bac

How can gods be affected by their own power?

In Thor: Ragnarok movie, we see Thor was controlled using some electric current machine and was paralyzed by it. While he was shown a god of Thunder, how can he

Will Thor lose his powers?

In Thor: Ragnarok, we see that Hela lost her powers or may have been killed after destruction of Asgard as she was getting power from it. So in the movie, it w

Significance of the number 142 in the name of Valkyrie's Sakaar name?

In Thor: Ragnarok, Valkyrie was referred to as Scrapper 142 and was Grandmaster's primary warrior. But that digit 142 in her Sakaar name doesn't seem random. Is

What are all the faces on Grandmaster tower in Thor: Ragnarok?

In Thor: Ragnarok, the Grandmaster tower had many faces on it: I presume they are of champions and I can clearly identify that the left one is Beta Ray Bill

The equation between Thor and Loki?

I wonder about the exact relationship between Thor and Loki throughout Thor: Ragnarok, they're like fire and ice. What makes Thor keep trusting Loki despite all

Does Heimdall already know about the prophecy of Ragnarok?

In Thor: Ragnarok Skurge has taken over Heimdall's position and from what it seems like, Loki has specially appointed him so he announces Thor's arrival. Has Lo

Does Marvel universe have more than 9 realms?

In Thor: Ragnarok, Hela refers Odin stopped at 9th realm while they were conquering all that there is, and she says that Odin banished her after that. Does tha

Why didn't Hulk transform to Banner for 2 years?

In Thor: Ragnarok, when Hulk changes into Banner he ask Thor about Sokovia, which happened in Avengers: Age of Ultron. From that it is clear that Hulk didn't

Was Matt Damon’s role in Thor: Ragnarok purely due to his role in Dogma?

In one of the beginning scenes in Thor: Ragnarok we see a play portraying the actions of the previous movies. The actors are Sam Neill, Luke Hemsworth, and Matt

What happened between Odin and Loki after Dark World and Ragnarok

Has it been explained what transpired betwen Loki and Odin that enabled Loki to assume Odin's form and banish the real Odin to Earth? I thought I heard Od