Category "tom-and-jerry"

Did Tom ever catch Jerry?

Tom and Jerry have been playing the Chase Game for a long time, but I never recall Tom actually ending it. I do recall Tom eating Jerry, but I can't recall any

Music from old Tom & Jerry episode [closed]

I've searched for the names of the pieces from this episode: for a couple of times in the past and accumul

What was the reason behind no more new episodes for Tom and Jerry? [closed]

What happened to the most loved cartoon Tom & Jerry, why did the production of new episodes stop suddenly? Does anyone know the real reaso

How called episode of Tom & Jerry about mice that survived after nuclear war? [closed]

I believe it was episode of Tom & Jerry. Can't find it. There was episode where old mouse was talking to little mice behind school desks.

What does the coin flipping before dying mean?

In Tom and Jerry, Episode 34 - Kitty Foiled (1948), Tom thinks he got shot and starts dying, but just before he finishes dying, Tom starts flipping a coin, you

Meaning / interpretation of weird Tom & Jerry scene?

In this scene from Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry we see some weird stuff. Below a few screenshots to help locate it: I can't understand what's happ

Why do Tom and Jerry wave their hands vertically?

When Tom and Jerry want to say goodbye to another characters (including themselves) they always wave their hands vertically instead of horizontally. Why do they