Category "x-men-first-class"

Is X-Men First Class based earlier in time than X-Men Origins:Wolverine?

If X-Men First Class (XFC) is based before X-Men Origins (XMO) then how did Emma Frost end up being captured by Colonel Stryker? The last we see of Emma Frost

Is there any relation between Johann Schmidt and Klaus Schmidt?

Klaus Schmidt is the main villain in the film X-Men: First Class and Johann Schmidt is the main villain in the film Captain America: The First Avenger. They ar

Why was it such a big deal to Professor Xavier that Magneto not kill Sebastian Shaw?

Shaw was a terrible person with incredible powers who had done a lot of bad things. Why was it so bad that Magneto wanted to kill him, even out of revenge? Why

Why did Xavier not contact the US and Russian military telepathically?

I saw X-Men: First Class a long time ago. I have been getting a doubt about the climax. We are all very familiar with the power and abilities of Professor Char

Did Professor X ever marry someone?

In the original trilogy, there was not any mention about if Professor X was married to someone. However, while I was watching X-Men First Class, it seemed that

What does "First Class" refer to in X-Men: First Class?

I am confused and curious about the meaning of "First Class" in X-Men: First Class. What does it refer to?