Category "alien"

What do Xenomorphs eat in the Alien series?

‎ In the Alien series, specifically Prometheus and Alien: Covenant movies, I don’t remember the ‎alien creatures eating anything or their food re

How do the other crew members know the xenomorph is "big", if they haven't seen it?

In Alien (1979), there seems to be an incongruity after Brett is killed. Even though noone witnesses the death and he appears to be killed in secret by the alie

Did Ash know that Kane was carrying a baby alien?

Is there any indication that Ash knew about Kane being infested with an Alien but said nothing? It seems there is hardly a way how he could not have known. It s

Ash uses phrase "Kane's son" in discussing the creature -- was this in the original version?

I'm rewatching Alien on HBOMax and I heard Ash call the creature "Kane's son". I think HBOMax often has versions different than theatrical release or maybe beca

How long is the crew "frozen" during the trip in Aliens

At the start of Aliens we learn that Ripley has been frozen for 57 years after the events of the first film. When Ripley is asked to accompany the Colonial Mari