Category "captain-america-civil-war"

Captain America Civil War 7-3 = 5

In Captain America : Civil War, in the first present day scene, the one with Rumlow when the fight breaks out, Captain America says: I make 7 hostiles. Th

When exactly does Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 take place in the MCU?

Some people say Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 takes place a few months after the first one (2014), which means before Civil War. If that's the case, How

Why were the Avengers fighting each other? [duplicate]

In Captain America: Civil War you see that Iron Man has actually recruited some other avengers and then some way through the movie, you see t

Why doesn't Spider-Man look like an adult in Captain America: Civil War?

I don't understand why Spider-Man doesn't look like an adult in Captain America: Civil War? Is it something to do with the Marvel timeline or what?

Why the German police?

In Captain America: Civil War, the Winter Soldier (Steve Rogers's childhood friend Bucky Barnes) is sought for his role in an assassination and located in Bucha

Why did Vision end up in Iron Man's team?

Vision is a humanoid of pure logic. Also, he wishes not for the destruction of humanity like Ultron and is worthy enough to hold Thor's hammer. Why does such b

How did S.H.I.E.L.D. know about Dr. Strange in Captain America The Winter Soldier?

In Captain America Civil War, how did S.H.I.E.L.D. know about Dr Strange? It is mentioned in the scene on the rooftop that existence of Bruce Banner, and Steve

How was the helicopter scene from Captain America: Civil War filmed?

In Captain America: Civil War (2016) there is one scene where Captain America prevents a helicopter from flying away with his bare hands. Here is that scene

When did Tony Stark learn to fight?

As indicated in the movies, Tony Stark is a "Genius billionaire playboy philanthropist", with no background in combat training. In the comics and cartoon series

How did Tony Stark know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man?

In Captain America: Civil War we see Peter Parker come home to see Tony Stark chatting with his Aunt. Later he tells Peter that he knows he's Spider-Man, and th

What is the significance in Hawkeye and Widow for the team?

In MCU, contrary to the others, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff are mere humans with good training and combat abilities. Other members like Hulk, Thor, Capt

How does Captain America know about Iron Man's parents' fate?

In the climax of Captain America: Civil War (2016), Zemo showed Iron Man how his parents really died, and that the Winter Soldier was responsible. Afterwards,

Are Tony Stark and Pepper Potts back together? [duplicate]

Spoilers ahead, so do not read if you're not up to date with Marvel Movies. and maybe this is a silly or unanswerable question but it bugged

How come Wanda can overpower Vision?

As far as I understood, Wanda's power are coming from the mind stone, as J.A.R.V.I.S told her so, when they were talking about the mind stone in the kitchen.

How do the timelines between Black Panther and Captain America: Civil War interact?

At the start of the present day in Black Panther when T'Challa extracts Nakia from her operation, he tells her that his father, King T'Chaka, died and he wants

Does T'Chaka actually have Black Panther powers in Civil War?

Beware: Spoilers for Captain America: Civil War and Black Panther. In Captain America: Civil War, T'Chaka is the King of Wakanda, and I understand that the Kin

Why didn't Vision damage the Quinjet in Civil War?

In Captain America: Civil war's airport fight scene, as depicted in How It Should Have Ended (around 2:10) Vision could have just blown up the quinjet, stopping

Did the world know about Wakandan Vibranium before the end of Black Panther?

In Captain America: Civil War, there is a scene in Vienna, where king T'Chaka says the following to a large gathering of officials: When stolen Wakandan vib

What is the device used in Captain America: Civil War to disable the electical substation?

In Captain America: Civil War the main antagonist, Helmut Zemo, uses a device to disable an electrical substation. What is that device called?

Why was Natasha Romanoff in hiding with Team Captain America?

In Captain America: Civil War, the people who side with Steve Rogers, including Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch), Sam Wilson (Falcon), Clint Barton (Hawkeye) &