Category "gangs-of-new-york"

What's the meaning behind the phrase "The blood stays on the blade"?

At the beginning of the movie Gangs of New York, Priest Vallon tells his son not to wipe the blood of the blade after he's cut himself shaving, saying "The bloo

Any basis for indiscriminate shelling of Five Points in Gangs of New York?

The New York Draft riots of 1863 close The Gangs of New York both in terms of time and content. The most extraordinary element of this sequence is the (apparen

What was the Chinese man's role in the attempt to kill Bill the Butcher?

What was the Chinese man's role in the plot to kill Bill the Butcher in Gangs of New York? There are various scenes where Amsterdam is talking to the Chinese ma

Why is Gangs of New York considered an original screenplay?

From the Wikipedia article: Gangs of New York is inspired by Herbert Asbury's 1927 non-fiction book, The Gangs of New York. Why was Gangs of New York co

Who shot Bill Cutting 'The Butcher' in the theater?

Who was the man who shot Bill 'The Butcher' in the theater? I suppose he was priest Vallon's friend, but he wasn't shown before. And what was he saying while he

Questions about hanging scene in Gangs of New York

In the movie Gangs of New York, four people are about to be hanged. One of them shakes hands with Bill, who purchases a necklace from him, and they even negoti

Why travel from New York to California by ship, in the 1860s?

In the movie Gangs of New York, Jenny shows Amsterdam a ticket that will take her from New York to California by ship. And she also shows the route she will tra