Category "logan"

Is "Logan" the last movie with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine?

Hugh Jackman has played the role of Wolverine as a major character in various X-Men films since 2000 and contributed highly to the brand of the X-Men movie seri

Does Professor X have any responsibility for the state of the world?

Throughout the course of Logan, it's obvious that Professor Xavier is having issues controlling his powers, and at the end of the movie, just before X-24 k

What happened to the X-Men in Logan?

In the movie Logan, they hint at the fact that the X-Men are no more because something happened. While initially Professor-X asks Logan "What did you do?" later

What happens to the X-gene?

In the film Logan, they mention that there hasn't been a new mutant born in 25 years. Even Laura was grown and not born. Is there a mention of what happens to t

Is Eden real in Logan?

In the film Logan, Gabriela asks Wolverine to take Laura to Eden. She gives him a set of coordinates. Later, Logan finds these coordinates to be part of a ficti

Was Caliban helping with mutant capture?

In the film Logan, was Caliban helping Alkali Transigen capture mutants? I remember a dialogue mentioning so. If so why and what made him stop?

Is it needed to watch the previous Wolverine movies to understand Logan?

Is there any movie of the X-Men universe needed to fully understand the Logan movie? Or is it a independent (or prequel) story?

Reason behind the title "Logan"

The past standalone movies regarding Wolverine were named with titles containing the word "wolverine" but the recent movie is just named Logan. Is there any p

Who are all the children in X-23's gang?

In Logan, We see a group of new generation mutant kids who accompany X-23 in final battle and they have powers like, electricity, telekinesis, telepathic link w

Why would Laura have an adamantium skeleton?

This pertains to the new movie Logan, spoiler alert. Is there an explained reason why Laura had an adamantium skeleton? If their goal was to make mutant super

What did Logan try to say at this event?

I couldn't make out what the exact words were in the following scene from Logan and would like to ask if anybody can explain it to me. After burying Profes

What do Xavier's seizures do?

In the film Logan, Professor Xavier has several seizures during which the people around him seem greatly affected (Difficulty to move? Slowing of time?). I don

Why does Logan stab walls?

In the film Logan (2017), there is a scene during which Professor Xavier is having a seizure which seems to make it hard for people around him to move. During t

What is happening to Logan?

In Logan (2017), Logan seems to be dying from sort sort of ailment, that prevents him to heal properly and seems to be decaying his body in a way that wasn't ha

Why do the kids have different accents?

In Logan, we know that the kids in the facility grew up in there along with Laura. So why do some of them have different accents than others? If they grew up

Why is Wolverine not able to walk or run properly in Logan? [duplicate]

In Logan, Wolverine seems to have a problem in his right leg from his first appearance. We can see that until the last scene before he took th

What is the movie playing on TV on Logan and what is its connection to the film?

In Logan, a movie is shown on TV. It is an old western, nearly 80 years old. They quote some lines of the movie, something like: Now you run on home to your mo

Can someone explain the "returning to the past" motif in Logan?

In Logan, there is a very prominent motif of returning to the past. Laura and Gabriel both had old X-Men comics, and of course the lat/lon location of the ficti

Why does Wolverine say these words when burying this person? [duplicate]

In Logan (2017), Wolverine say these words to himself when burying Professor X: It's got water, and... It's got water. Why does he say t

Why Caliban specifically mentions "sun is the keyword"?

In Logan (2017), After Logan giving injection to Professor X. Caliban started arguing about his health to Logan. You're saving to buy a Sunseeker. "Sun" is