Category "love-actually"

Are they in France or Portugal at the end of Love Actually?

The Colin Firth character, Jamie, meets Aurelia the Portuguese housekeeper when he is writing his novel by himself at a lake house in France. You know they're i

Why does the prime minister "redistribute" Natalie?

Why does the prime minister "redistribute" Natalie in Love Actually? Prime Minister: Annie, my darling, my dream, my boat. Ah...Need you to do a favor for

What's Mark thinking when he says "enough ... enough now"?

In Love Actually Mark was in love with Juliet, but he couldn't tell her, and now she's married to his best friend. Since it's Christmas he finally tells her (wi

During the Christmas concert, why does Sam look so miserable?

Near the end of Love Actually, Sam is performing on the drums behind his love interest, Joanna. When Joanna sings "All I want for Christmas is You" she turns

Did Harry and Mia actually have sex?

The movie, Love Actually from 2003 depicts Harry portrayed by Alan Rickman as having a flirtatious relationship with his assistant, Mia portrayed by Heike Makat

Did Rowan Atkinson's character purposely distract the check-in agent?

In Love Actually, Rowan Atkinson saves Sam (and Daniel) whilst he helps Sam run and talk to Joanna to express his 'love' for her at Heathrow Airport. Rowan At

Stroboscopic effects in "Love Actually"

Recently I was rewatching Love Actually in TV and before it started a warning appeared: This movie contains stroboscopic effects. Since you don't often se

What did we learn about the fate of the Love Actually characters from the Comic Relief special?

One of the special features of 2017's Comic Relief telethon was a film about the fate of the characters of Love Actually, 14 years on from the original film. W