Category "only-lovers-left-alive"

Only Lovers Left Alive quote explanation?

I just watched Only Lovers Left Alive and in a moment one of the characters, Adam, says: "I just feel like all the sand is at the bottom of the hour glass" or s

Who are these people in the pictures in Adam's room?

In Only Lovers Left Alive, Adam has a wall of pictures of famous people. They appear to be authors, composers, and scientists. Who are they?

Are the vampires rationing the blood, and is it affecting them?

In Only Lovers Left Alive, it's clear that blood is in limited supply. Adam and Eve both comment that they've got "the good stuff" and discuss a "contamination"

Why do Adam and Eve live so far apart?

In Only Lovers left Alive, married couple Adam and Eve live in different parts of the world. Adam lives in Detroit and Eve lives in Tangier. They have been ma

In Jim Jarmusch's Only Lovers Left Alive, are vampires going extinct?

When Eve finds Adam's wooden bullet and assumes the worst, she gives him the benefit of the doubt by asking if he was, "having problems with one of the others."