Category "props"

Why the bin bag in Silver Linings Playbook?

The hero of Silver Linings Playbook, Pat, was seen wearing a bin bag (or garbage bag depending upon your locale) that had holes cut for his head and arms...

What was the purpose behind the metal object Forest Whitaker rubbed on Jake Gyllenhaal's face in Southpaw?

In Southpaw, Forest Whitaker rubs a metal object on Jake Gyllenhaal's cheek to do some sort of first aid I presume. I think it could be metal chilled in iced wa

What is the pink thing on the Sherman tank?

When the Fury tank enters the town, a pink object is visible on the tank. What is that?

What is Neil Patrick Harris drinking?

In the movie Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay approximately one hour in, Neil Patrick Harris is driving a car. He picks up a bottle and takes a lon

The meaning of the Dexter lock in the series Dexter

Every time the series started I remember wondering about the lock on Dexter's door. I was sure I had the same one in my garage so I went to check and it turned

What is the prop meth made of?

I'm going to guess using the illegal drug would not be an option. So exactly which substance did they used as a prop for the crystal meth in Breaking Bad?

Why was a 1967 Impala chosen as Dean Winchester's car in Supernatural?

We have seen Dean riding on a black Impala in Supernatural. So was there any specific reason for choosing a 1967 black Impala?

Was the TARDIS an inspiration for the time-traveling phone booth?

The 1989 film Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure features a pair of dim-witted teenagers traveling through time to retrieve historical figures to make an oral p

What's with the "wobbly" swords in Chinese martial arts movies?

In various martial arts movies set in China, we see swords that are "wobbly" (for lack of a better term). Sometimes the effect is subtle, visible only if you p

Is the black egg on House's desk a reference to Tesla's 'Egg of Columbus'?

Is the black egg on House's desk a reference to Tesla's 'Egg of Columbus'? e Image from here.

Flag in Around the World in Eighty Days

In the 1956 film Around the World in Eighty Days, there is a scene in which the people from Ft. Kearney chase down the Sioux to rescue Passepartout. They bear a

What is Jack Nicholson tossing aside in this scene in The Shining?

What are those round metal objects that Jack Torrance is throwing to the floor in this scene in The Shining?

Name of a painting in Wall Street (1987)

I am looking for a name of the painting or artist featured in Bud's apartment. I tried to google the artists in credits but no luck.

How many KITTs were destroyed during production of the '80s Knight Rider series?

I'm re-watching the original '80s Knight Rider series. I've noticed that numerous times, after taking a big jump, KITT comes down at a pretty severe angle--but

South of Hell: Car in Purgatory

In episode 6 of South of Hell, the main characters are in Purgatory waiting for a bus that will take them to Hell. The main characters escape to a place on the

What poster is hanging in Raj's apartment on Big Bang Theory? [closed]

I was watching Big Bang Theory this evening and a poster on the wall caught my eye. It is momentarily featured on the episode that aired 1.14.

Is the jewellery in the 2016 adaptation of War and Peace genuine?

I've been watching the 2016 BBC adaptation of Tolstoy's War and Peace, and also reading about it on the internet between episodes. One of the rumours I've come

When someone is shown via a photograph/prop, but they don't do any acting, how are they credited?

Sometimes, usually in TV shows, it might happen that an actor is shown via photograph or a prop of their body. They themselves don't make an appearance, and don

Is that a real baby?

Many shows nowadays have birth scenes with newborn babies right after. It seems pretty crazy, risky and unreliable to me to use a real newborn. So what do shows

What are these cartridges that many characters have in the Star Wars movies?

Admiral Ozzel has them on both sides of his uniform (upper chest). Most Imperial officers seem to have them. Han, pictured also here, has three such cartridge