Category "supernatural"

Why did Amara (Darkness) ward herself against Him (God)?

In Supernatural, since Amara matured she is finding Him to settle scores. She is trying to get the attention of God. To call/get the attention of Him she has

Which criteria allows motels to take role in the Supernatural series?

By looking Supernatural I saw a lot of fancy motel rooms. For example: one full of hunters trophies and oil paintings one with a lot of glass, even the room

Can demons possess dead bodies?

In Supernatural season 15 episode 1, Jack's dead body is possessed by the demon Belphegor. Has this happened before in Supernatural? I didn't think that demons

The Role of Death in Supernatural

In the earlier seasons of Supernatural (1 through 5), it appeared that when a human dies as a result of physical circumstances, their soul leaves their body and

What are the names of the special children in Supernatural? [closed]

The only ones I remember are Sam, Jake, Ava, Andrew, and Lily. I know there are more but I just can't remember the rest..

What, if any, is the significance of "Wabash and Lake"?

I had to rewind when I heard it, but Supernatural ("Salvation", S1:E21) referenced Wabash and Lake, which I recognized from The Matrix. From the Supernatural Wi