Category "the-flash"

When do Ronnie and Stein split apart in The Flash?

In episode 13 of The Flash season 1, Firestorm, the combined form of Ronnie & Professor Stein, explodes when Caitlin and Barry try to help him. He was never

In the first season finale of the Flash, how did they know their plan would work the way it did?

(Spoiler alert for anybody who's even more behind in the show than I am.) So I recently watched the first season of The Flash, and during the season finale...

Why did Eobard Thawne react the way he did to Jay Garrick's helmet?

In the Season 1 finale, Eobard Thawne opens up a portal to return home, and Jay Garrick's helmet comes through. Eobard Thawne looks at it and says "That's my cu

Do the DC speedsters need to accelerate and are not fast from the start like Quicksilver in the movies?

Why doesn't Flash in the new show "The Flash" simply dodge attacks like Quicksilver did in the movies by speeding up and even changing trajectories of bullets?

Why does Barry do what he does at the end of Flash Season 2?

In the 23rd and last episode of The Flash's Season 2, Barry inexplicably decides to go back in time at a moment where everything seemed to have turned out

Casting choice for The Flash in the Justice League movie?

Why didn't DC Comics choose the TV "The Flash" actor Grant Gustin for the role of The Flash in the Justice Leagues movies?

Are Barry Allen and Bruce Wayne from different Universes?

It is safe to assume that Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent belong to the same Universe. In season 2 of the TV show The Flash, Barry travels to a parallel universe wh

When did Brandon Routh mention his time as Superman in The Flash?

From Wikipedia page about Superman curse Routh eventually played recurring character Ray Palmer (The Atom) on other DC Comics-related projects, Arrow and Th

Will the Black Flash make an appearance in season 3?

I have seen images from the sets of The Flash season 3, showing a man in a black costume. Is there any secured information if this character is supposed to be t

Is the casting of Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell together in "The Flash" intentional?

I have recently watched Prison Break and am now watching The Flash. A couple episodes into the series, an antagonist (Captain Cold) played by Wentworth Miller (

What happened to the child Barry Allen in The Flash S3 Premiere?

Okay this might be too soon to ask about the whereabouts of a character of the show which just got premiered and a whole season left to unravel the knot of the

Do "Flash" and "Legends of Tomorrow" have different rules for time travel?

(Image Sources: Flash, Legends of Tomorrow) Time travel on The Flash introduced us to e.g. Different Timelines Time Wraiths Time Remnants And in the episode

How did Jesse run in an eight-like fashion without wearing the special speedster suit?

In The Flash s3e3, named Magenta, Jesse Quick, now a speedster, ran in an eight-like fashion to create enough upthrust to make the tanker float in the air till

Why does S.T.A.R. Labs look different in Vixen than it does in The Flash?

In The Flash, S.T.A.R. Labs looks like this: But in Vixen, S.T.A.R. Labs looks like this: And it continues to look this way in Season 2: I find this pu

How does that private prison in The Flash work?

I'm currently watching The Flash season 1 episode 12 and they keep throwing people in this private prison they built. I wonder how this fits into the show. I

What exactly happened to Ronnie in The Flash?

So I finished watching the first season of The Flash on Netflix and recently started watching the second season. And of course, in all the chaos and world-savin

In Flash Season 2, why couldn't they just tell Grodd their plan?

So in season 2, episode 7 of The Flash ("Gorilla Warfare"), the ginormous, hyper-intelligent gorilla Grodd makes a comeback. The heroes (mainly Caitlin) discove

Who is Randolph Morgan that HR mentioned while using his face?

In The Flash, s3 e6, named Shade, HR aka the Harrison Wells from Earth 19 took up a new face with his Earth's light refraction technology and mentioned that it

What happened to all the Barrys in the scene where his mom died?

Throughout The Flash we have seen that during the moment Barry's mother dies there is one Barry that is fighting with Thawne (Barry 1) and saves the kid Barry (

Why is Eobard Thawne in Legends of Tomorrow?

Why is Eobard Thawne alive? As we see in season 1 of The Flash, Eddie Thawne shoots himself in the season finale and we see Eobard get erased from existence. Ho