Category "the-force-awakens"

How can Maz have Luke's lightsaber in Star Wars VII?

In Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back we see Darth Vader cut Luke's right hand that is holding the lightsaber, and both fall down in the abyss. In fact, in Sta

Who is Rey’s family?

Throughout much of the movie, Rey losing her family and waiting for their return on Jakku is a great motivating force for her character. Her romanticizing the

Was the famous “Wilhelm Scream” used in “The Force Awakens?”

The “Wilhelm Scream” is a stock sound-effect that has been used in hundreds of films over the years as an inside-joke/homage among filmmakers. It wa

Does Rey speak Shyriiwook?

Fairly early on in The Force Awakens, Finn and Rey run into Han Solo and Chewbacca. One of the running gags in the Star Wars films is that very few people actua

What language does BB-8 speak?

Does BB-8 in Star Wars: The Force Awakens speak some kind of binary (Morse-like) language? If so, how can people understand it (such as Rey)? Do we know the st

What is the "Eileenean/ileenian/alenian" system?

In The Force Awakens, Rey talks about a system that I believe a resistance base is. What is that exactly?

How "kid" friendly is Star Wars VII The Force Awakens?

I have yet to see Star Wars VII The Force Awakens. I have two younger children and am just wondering what other people think about how "kid" friendly the movie

Is the exact same sound clip used in A New Hope and The Force Awakens?

I have seen The Force Awakens twice now. And I swear that there is a scene where the storm troopers say something along the lines of. They are splitting up.

Why does "The Force Awakens" use an image language associated with national socialism for the First Order?

The scene when the First Order fires their weapon the first time in Star Wars: The Force Awakens uses an image language which clearly references the national so

Who had "turbo lasers" first, Star Wars or Battlestar Galactica?

Most recently in Star Wars VII, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, they mention "turbo laser" turrets, but wasn't the idea of turbo lasers in Battlestar Galactica fi

How did the First Order know the location of the base of the Resistance?

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, there is a very powerful weapon used by the First Order to destroy the Hosnian system. Their next target is the planet D'Qar. H

Why does the First Order essentially just make a bigger Death Star?

So I watched The Force Awakens in December and absolutely loved it, but there was one thing I didn't quite get: There was a moment when the rebels were showing

Why does Kylo Ren wear a mask?

Vader needed his mask due to his horrific lava skinny dipping. In the now non-canon game, Star Wars- Knights of the Old Republic, the main character Revan wears

Does Finn know the ways of The Force?

If Finn is not related to any Jedi, then why did he fight with the laser sword and why did Kylo Ren feel him when the First Order were invading the village at t

Are TIE fighters significantly better than X-Wing fighters?

In The Force Awakens, Poe's X-Wing on Jakku is disabled, then destroyed by regular hand held blaster fire, courtesy of FN-2187's First Order storm trooper squad

Did Finn turn off his targeting computer?

I saw The Force Awakens in its first week of release, before most of my friends. I made a mental note to discuss with them, but forgot it until now. I can't f

Why was The Force Awakens so much more expensive than the episode 1-3 movies?

When searching for the budgets of the Star Wars movies, I found sources which claim a budget of about $300 million for The Force Awakens (TFA), the episode 1-3

Why was Finn even wearing the jacket in the first place?

So in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Finn survives the crash of the TIE Fighter on Jakku. He's alive, he's shaken, and he's also drenched in sweat. He is only

Does snow ruin lightsabers?

During the battle between Kylo Ren and Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Rey directs Kylo Ren's lightsaber into the snow and dirt while they are grappling.

Did the actors for The Force Awakens receive fighting training?

I remember watching videos on cast members from the Star Wars prequels having training sessions to learn and practice their fighting scenes. I was wondering wha