Category "thor-ragnarok"

Is Surtur under Loki's mind control?

In Thor: Ragnarok, we saw that an army of dead was resurrected with the help of eternal flame. And the people who came back were under the control of Hela, pers

Was Thor: Ragnarok supposed to have darker tone in start of production and changed later?

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, we see Thor's vision about the coming Ragnarok, which looked dark and gritty. But what we got in Thor: Ragnarok was nothing like tha

Why is Surtur so easily beaten by Thor compared to when Hela fights him?

In the introduction of "Thor: Ragnarok" we are introduced to Thor locked up in chains and Surtur on a throne. Obviously Thor doesn't resist as he tries to get S

Are there any hints that Hela is alive?

Fantasy and super hero stories have a habit of invoking the Not Quite Dead trope whenever there's no body. Are there any hints (Word of God included) that Hela

What are Bruce Banner's Ph.Ds in the MCU?

In Thor: Ragnarok Bruce Banner says that he holds 7 Ph.Ds. What are the streams or fields in which Dr. Banner holds these degrees? Basically, what are his qu

How did Banner survive on Sakaar?

How did Bruce Banner (when he is not the Hulk) survive on a planet like Sakaar or on Asgard? Are these planets habitable for humans?

Is "What We Do in the Shadows" referenced in "Thor: Ragnarok"?

In Thor: Ragnarok, when Thor was preparing to fight the Grandmaster's champion, Korg suggested to Thor to use a trident-like wooden fork: Korg: Thor, wanna

Is Bruce Banner in danger?

In Thor: Ragnarok, nearing the end: Bruce Banner tried transforming into Hulk by jumping from the spaceship onto the bridge. He didn't transform while free

What will be the next weapon of Thor?

After Thor's Hammer being crushed by the First Born child of Odin, Hela, what weapon will he be using in the Avengers: Infinity Wars? In Ragnarok, Thor has ga

Why didn't Hela use Odin's spear to open the Bifrost?

In Thor: Ragnarok, Hela informs Skurge that the sword that Heimdall uses is the key to opening Bifrost. She is ready to kill and torture people to know the wher

How did Thor guess the access code to the Quinjet?

In Thor: Ragnarok, there's a scene when Thor is trying to access the Quinjet, but everything he tries ends up in an "Access Denied" response from the security s

Why was Thor in a cage and how did he get there?

At start of Thor Ragnarok, Thor is doing the exposition and says something like: You may be wondering how I got here, I was figuring out these Infinity st

How did Odin know about the Infinity Gauntlet?

In Thor, there is a scene where you can see what looks like the Infinity Gauntlet in Odin's vault. Later (in Avengers: Age of Ultron, IIRC) you learn that Thano

Did Loki steal the Tesseract?

What happened with the Tesseract? Did Loki steal it at the end of Thor: Ragnarok?

How is Thor still mighty and powerful after Asgard was destroyed?

In Thor: Ragnorak, Odin states that Hela draws her power from Asgard, so does Thor (if I remember correctly). On Earth her costume has multiple tears, signify

How did Hela know that the Gauntlet was a fake?

So in Thor: Ragnarok, we see Hela mentioning that the Gauntlet in Odin's treasure room is a fake. How did she know that it was a fake, considering the fact tha

How did Odin keep Hela away from Asgard?

In Thor: Ragnarok moments before Odin's death he says My Life is all that held her back How did Odin keep Hela away from Asgard?

Why doesn't Odin remove Hela's powers?

In Thor, Odin was able to remove Thor's powers with an incantation. Why didn't he do this with Hela, or for that matter Loki in the second film?

Thor, God of Thunder, is easily imprisoned by Ebony Maw in Infinity War. Why is this?

In the final scenes of Thor: Ragnarok, exactly one movie prior, we see Thor fully realize his God of Thunder might against Hela. It's not quite enough (huh?) a

Why would Odin keep a fake gauntlet?

We all know that Odin's vault has hinted us at some potential surprises in the MCU(maybe,maybe not). But why in the world was he having a fake gauntlet in there