Category "x-men-cinematic-universe"

Why do Xavier and Magneto meet Wolverine in "The Wolverine (2013)"?

From what I understood from X-Men: Days of Future Past, it happens in the future, many years after The Wolverine (2013). Why then do Xavier and Magneto meet Log

What is the song playing on the radio in X-Men: Days of future past?

When Wolverine awakes in his 1973 self in X-Men: Days of Future Past he hears a song on the radio. This same song is heard when he awakes in his future self aga

Which Wolverine Existed During the Time Gap?

* Minor Spoilers * During X-Men: Days of Future Past it is explained that the actions Wolverine takes in the past will not come into effect until he wakes up.

What song is playing during Quicksilver's first appearance?

When Professor X and the others first meet Quicksilver in his basement in X-Men: Days of Future Past, there is a song playing in the background. Anyone know wh

Why did Logan turn back to that specific time in the future

So Kitty uses her power to send Logan back to the past to change it in X-Men: Days of Future Past. It all works 'fine' but when Logan finishes his job and saves

Does Wolverine still have his adamantium claws after the change in events?

Wolverine ends up changing history from 1973 and manages to change the outcome of the future. In the scene where Wolverine gets pulled from the bottom of the ba

At the end in Xmen Origins, which parts of Wolverine's brain did the bullet hit?

At the end of Xmen Origins, Stryker is shown shooting Logan's brain in the front at the top, which leads me to believe that only the frontal lobe was damaged, a

Does Mystique not age with time?

In X-Men: First class we see that Mystique (Raven) and Charles grow up together and at that point of time Mystique, Charles and Eric all are of same age group.

Why bring Professor Xavier to Pentagon?

When they went to rescue Magneto in X-Men: Days of Future Past, why did they take Xavier since he had no real powers and did nothing? He literally couldn't do a

Wolverine in the river at the end of X-Men: Days of Future Past

Wolverine had been in the river for a full day before he was dredged up by Striker. He can regenerate, but how does he come back from the dead?

Isn't the Quicksilver from Avengers 2 the same as the Quicksilver from X-Men: Days of Future Past?

According to the X-Men series he is a mutant. But in the Avengers 2 he is depicted as having received his powers through a Hydra experiment. There are talks in

Did Magneto ever actually expect to commit genocide in X2?

In X2, Magneto prevents Stryker's attempted genocide of all mutants by using his powers to turn off and open the door to Dark Cerebro before Jason can make Prof

Why don't Wolverine's claws grow back with Adamantium?

So I am re-watching The Wolverine and it seems quite conflicting. I thought because ALL bone was basically Adamantium now that there wouldn't be plain bone claw

Why is Hugh Jackman not going to continue to portray Wolverine?

According to several news sources, Hugh Jackman has decided not to continue to play Wolverine in films after the upcoming The Wolverine sequel: Hugh Jackman Wi

What happened to Charles Xavier after X-Men 3?

I remember watching X-Men 3 and seeing Charles Xavier get disintegrated by Phoenix, however the post-credits scene and his appearance in later movies indicate t

Digital makeup for Mystique

I was reading recently that the grueling makeup process for Mystique was the main reason why Jennifer Lawrence isn't interested in making more x-men films. It

Why was Victor not with Wolverine in Hiroshima?

So I was wondering if I was the only one who caught this. In the beginning of the movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" we see Logan and Victor in all wars including

Is there any information if Deadpool will break the fourth wall in the 2016 film?

In the comic book, Deadpool is self-aware of his existence as a comic book character and often breaks the fourth wall. Will they do this in the upcoming fil

What happened to Charles Xavier after X-Men 3?

I remember watching X-Men 3 and seeing Charles Xavier get disintegrated by Phoenix, however the post-credits scene and his appearance in later movies indicate t

How did Magneto know Mystique injected the metal into Laurio's body?

In X2, Magneto sensed the iron in the guardian Laurio's blood, which was injected by Mystique, and used it to escape the plastic prison. It is normal that he se