What is the REAL password for Bond's account?

What is the REAL password for Bond's account? - Pink and White I M a Little Print Textile

In Casino Royale, James Bond is required to enter a password into a security device. Later in the film, he reveals that the password he supposedly entered was Vesper...

However, the brief shot we of him entering the code shows him using the number 4, making it impossible that the code be Vesper, as this website points out:

When Bond enters his password in the casino, he enters 836547. He later gives the password as VESPER, which on an alpha-numeric keypad would be 837737.

If we are to take it that this is a goof (which it almost certainly is), it stands to reason that at the time of filming a different password was considered: it's unlikely whomever is responsible for the close-up shot of him entering the code was illiterate enough to enter the wrong code, and even more so for the continuity department not to notice (although, they clearly missed this from the final cut: so it's not entirely implausible).

Could it be possible that another password was originally intended to be used; one that required the keys 836547 in spelling it? can anyone figure out what this original password could have been, before it was (possibly) re-conned to be Vesper?

To reiterate for clarity, considering answers supplied:

We KNOW this is, in some way or another, a mistake. Continuity goof is not the answer we are looking for, we're trying to work out what the original password the actor was told he was typing into the keypad was. It's an unlikely (and thus rejected) hypothesis that for such a key close up in the movie, the actor was told to just type a random code in. There must be some contextual purpose that was perhaps later changed.

We know the word corresponds to the keypad letters 836547 as we see him type it in. What could this word have been?

Best Answer

Looking at the keypad in the film:

enter image description here

we see that 836547 could correspond to any of the following 972 (= 35 * 4) string combinations:

tdmjgp, tdmjgq, tdmjgr, tdmjgs, tdmjhp, tdmjhq, tdmjhr, tdmjhs, tdmjip, tdmjiq, tdmjir, tdmjis, tdmkgp, tdmkgq, tdmkgr, tdmkgs, tdmkhp, tdmkhq, tdmkhr, tdmkhs, tdmkip, tdmkiq, tdmkir, tdmkis, tdmlgp, tdmlgq, tdmlgr, tdmlgs, tdmlhp, tdmlhq, tdmlhr, tdmlhs, tdmlip, tdmliq, tdmlir, tdmlis, tdnjgp, tdnjgq, tdnjgr, tdnjgs, tdnjhp, tdnjhq, tdnjhr, tdnjhs, tdnjip, tdnjiq, tdnjir, tdnjis, tdnkgp, tdnkgq, tdnkgr, tdnkgs, tdnkhp, tdnkhq, tdnkhr, tdnkhs, tdnkip, tdnkiq, tdnkir, tdnkis, tdnlgp, tdnlgq, tdnlgr, tdnlgs, tdnlhp, tdnlhq, tdnlhr, tdnlhs, tdnlip, tdnliq, tdnlir, tdnlis, tdojgp, tdojgq, tdojgr, tdojgs, tdojhp, tdojhq, tdojhr, tdojhs, tdojip, tdojiq, tdojir, tdojis, tdokgp, tdokgq, tdokgr, tdokgs, tdokhp, tdokhq, tdokhr, tdokhs, tdokip, tdokiq, tdokir, tdokis, tdolgp, tdolgq, tdolgr, tdolgs, tdolhp, tdolhq, tdolhr, tdolhs, tdolip, tdoliq, tdolir, tdolis, temjgp, temjgq, temjgr, temjgs, temjhp, temjhq, temjhr, temjhs, temjip, temjiq, temjir, temjis, temkgp, temkgq, temkgr, temkgs, temkhp, temkhq, temkhr, temkhs, temkip, temkiq, temkir, temkis, temlgp, temlgq, temlgr, temlgs, temlhp, temlhq, temlhr, temlhs, temlip, temliq, temlir, temlis, tenjgp, tenjgq, tenjgr, tenjgs, tenjhp, tenjhq, tenjhr, tenjhs, tenjip, tenjiq, tenjir, tenjis, tenkgp, tenkgq, tenkgr, tenkgs, tenkhp, tenkhq, tenkhr, tenkhs, tenkip, tenkiq, tenkir, tenkis, tenlgp, tenlgq, tenlgr, tenlgs, tenlhp, tenlhq, tenlhr, tenlhs, tenlip, tenliq, tenlir, tenlis, teojgp, teojgq, teojgr, teojgs, teojhp, teojhq, teojhr, teojhs, teojip, teojiq, teojir, teojis, teokgp, teokgq, teokgr, teokgs, teokhp, teokhq, teokhr, teokhs, teokip, teokiq, teokir, teokis, teolgp, teolgq, teolgr, teolgs, teolhp, teolhq, teolhr, teolhs, teolip, teoliq, teolir, teolis, tfmjgp, tfmjgq, tfmjgr, tfmjgs, tfmjhp, tfmjhq, tfmjhr, tfmjhs, tfmjip, tfmjiq, tfmjir, tfmjis, tfmkgp, tfmkgq, tfmkgr, tfmkgs, tfmkhp, tfmkhq, tfmkhr, tfmkhs, tfmkip, tfmkiq, tfmkir, tfmkis, tfmlgp, tfmlgq, tfmlgr, tfmlgs, tfmlhp, tfmlhq, tfmlhr, tfmlhs, tfmlip, tfmliq, 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None of these, however, are English words. But, if we consider it as a concatenation of two words, we are left with this possible set:

temkip, temlip, temliq, tenkip, tenlip, tenliq, ufokip, ufolip, ufoliq

i.e. combinations of TEM, ten, UFO and kip, lip, liq..

It could also be an acronym (possibly one ending in HQ).

Pictures about "What is the REAL password for Bond's account?"

What is the REAL password for Bond's account? - White and Red Wooden House With Fence
What is the REAL password for Bond's account? - Lighted Beige House
What is the REAL password for Bond's account? - Black and Brown Wooden House

The Perfect Password!

More answers regarding what is the REAL password for Bond's account?

Answer 2

This is a bit of a non-answer, but having watched the scene(s) many times and scoured the Internet, I'm going to say it's just a movie mistake. It's certainly identified as such (continuity error) on most Movie Mistake websites.

My only reasoning is thus: one, there doesn't appear to be another solution and one is unlikely forthcoming and; two, despite the close up of the shot, it's certainly understandable that the editing team could have missed this. When you consider some continuity errors in films involve things appearing in one shot, missing in the next and then reappearing in the following shot, it certainly seems logical that the team could have just missed this.

I'll of course update this answer in future if more information is forthcoming, but for now I call movie mistake.


The more I think about it, the more I have a slightly different conclusion. I think it's possible that the original pass code was just a random number that Bond was using, but later on, to demonstrate how much he cared about Vesper, it was shown he had changed his pass code to her name.

In my eyes, this act, something many people in relationships have done, enhances the feeling of betrayal he felt once he learnt her part in Schiffe's plan. She wasn't just a random woman he had bedded, but someone he had given his heart to.

Answer 3

Years later... Has anyone considered the Latin translation of ellipsis? Evening. It’s a stretch but it does work. Ellipsis and evening begin with the same later. Eliminate the first letter in both (as it’s the same— and it happens to work out) continue after the duplicate after ellipses and we get the code bond punched in, obviously in a respective order. 836-537 (VEN- eVENing, LIP-elLIPses). It’s a large stretch, but what’re the odds they truly didn’t look at the code he entered? Plausible on both sides, but I’m leaning on the side with closure.

Answer 4

836547 can spell out "ten lip."
"Ten" might be a reference to a "perfect ten" and "lip" might be a body part or the attitude/sass that body part can be used to express.

It's much more likely this was a filming goof, but if you want something more interesting to think about in line with the story, there you go!

Answer 5

Unfortunately, no mention in the script I found on the interweb.


Answer 6

Maybe I'm totally wrong but I can't help but to believe each time Bond entered a password it was for a different reason. At Montenegro the money was already in an account and the password was needed so they could transfer money in and out of each players account. My best is Vesper provided him with a password since she was "the money" hence Bond's password 836547. After Bond won the game all of the money from the other players accounts was transferred to his account. The money in the account at Montenegro stayed there until Mendel went to the hospital to see Bond. Mendel then requested the account number and password from Bond. But this time it was for a different account. Mendel needed the account number and password of the Bank account Bond wanted the money deposited into from the Montenegro account. Vesper knew the account number so she input the account numbers but she didn't know the password until she asked Bond and he replied was 837737 (Vesper).

Answer 7

It was supposed to be Vesper. But wouldn't translate to the movie if they used the correct corresponding numbers. Because he'd have to type the seven a few times. So I say they used the first two and last one letter.I doubt anyone will see my answer as this discussion is very old. But I had to give my two cents.

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Images: Ann H, Scott Webb, Binyamin Mellish, Jens Mahnke