Category "doctor-strange"

Why couldn't "Doctor Strange" cast a Chinese actress for the Ancient One, but make the character non-Tibetan?

In the Doctor Strange comics, the titular character is trained by "the Ancient One", who is a Tibetan mystic. An interview with co-writer C. Robert Cargill note

Why didn't Dr. Strange reverse time?

Since Dr. Strange uses the power to turn back time not much later than the ancient one's death, why didn't he use it earlier to bring the ancient one back to li

How did the Time gem work in Dormammu's dimension?

In Doctor Strange, Kaecilius brings down all Sanctums, enabling Dormammu to attack Earth. Kaecilius describes it as a dimension/place beyond time. Also in my u

How can Dr. Strange rewind time in these circumstances? [duplicate]

Whilst confronting Dormammu, Strange keeps dying and coming back, in an infinite loop, which eventually persuades the monster into accepting t

How much of Doctor Strange is origin story?

Can anyone tell me what percentage of the new (2016) Doctor Strange movie is devoted to detailing his origins? Or, can this film as a whole be considered an ori

When is Doctor Strange actually set?

The films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) are usually set roughly around the time they are released (barring flashbacks) or at least in a chronological

What was Stan Lee's character reading on the bus in Doctor Strange

Usually his scenes are easy to understand the context of his character, but during the scene it had Stan laughing randomly at a book or magazine he was reading

What came first, the sanctum or the magic?

During his training Doctor Strange gets told that there are 3 important sanctums spread around the world to serve as protection against extra-dimensional powers

What's going on with the watch?

At the beginning of Doctor Strange, Strange is operating on a patient just getting ready to take the bullet out of their brain while the other doctor watches on

Why wasn't the Ancient One affected?

In Doctor Strange, the main antagonist Kaecilius and his following perform a ritual to essentially contact Dormammu and channel his power to destroy the seals p

How many times did Dr. Strange loop?

Dormammu, I've come to bargain. The title pretty much says it all: How many times did Dr. Strange loop to his death until he could convince Dormammu to lea

How Does Doctor Strange's cloak of levitation work inside the mirror dimension?

In the Doctor Strange movie, his cloak of levitation only worked when he entered the mirror dimension but was afterwards never used in that dimension. (If the c

What is the significance of the multiple references to watches throughout the film?

In Doctor Strange, watches are referred a lot in the film. First it was during the operation when Dr. Strange makes his co-doctor hide his watch which was distu

Why didn't Doctor Strange use the Eye of Agamotto to heal his hands?

In Doctor Strange it was shown that Eye Of Agamotto can be used to manipulate time for even a specific object (as in the case of the apple). Why didn't Dr. Stra

Why didn't Kaecilius use the teleport spell to steal the book he wanted?

In Doctor Strange, Kaecilius goes in person to Kamar-Taj to steal pages from the book that contained a ritual. Why didn't he simply use the teleport spell to

Does time stop when the astral form comes out?

In Doctor Strange, Dr. Strange uses his astral form to communicate with the doctor. Dr. Strange uses his astral form s second time to find the ancient one's

How did Doctor Strange repeat the scene where he made the deal with Dormammu?

In this scene I saw that Doctor Strange was looping again and again and was repeating his dialogue again and again and Dormammu was killing him again and agai

How is Astral dimension in Dr Strange connected to reality?

The 'Mirror' dimension is completely separate from the 'physical' dimension (or reality), such that any changes in the mirror dimension do not affect reality.

Why does the cape choose Dr. Stephen Strange?

I've seen Doctor Strange but I didn't understand why the cape chooses Stephen. I know that the cape is his Relic. Please answer in detail.

How did Kaecilius get set free?

In Doctor Strange, How did Kaecilius get set free after he was chained by Dr. Strange.